Complete 2024 South African Road Marathon & Ultra Calendar
This article contains high level details and, where available, flyers, profiles and route maps for every 2024 South African road marathon and ultra. Updates will be made regularly as races are added, cancelled and confirmed.
The 2024 calendar is brought to you by RaceSpace – the app that has every running and endurance event in the country at your fingertips. RaceSpace are covering some of my marathon running travel costs in 2024 – you can support me and the site by downloading the RaceSpace app on Apple, Android or by using the QR Code below.
“Status” definitions
Confirmed = Entries open / opening shortly
Date confirmed = Date from provincial fixture list with high probability of race happening
Unconfirmed = Provincial fixture list not received yet and / or new race with lower probability of happening
This is a fast, uncongested, single-lap marathon around the Free State’s second largest city. The route is flat and the support tables are friendly. This will be the 45th running of the event (as such it is the oldest marathon in the States) and is a great pick for a fast January qualifier. The race offers a permanent number to her regular customers and you can get some Comrades tips from local legend Louis Massyn (48 Comrades and 46 Two Oceans finishes) along the route.
Route MapRoute ProfileMielie is a flat marathon through the Free State gold and cornfields.A course for racing flats.One of the race’s founders, Louis Massyn, well on his way to a 38th finish (and still making the most of hometown advantage).A hot arrival but a good haul at the Mielie Marathon.Welkom signCornfieldsDeparting Odendaalsrus if you want some shade you have to get into the dog box).OdendaalsrusGold mineFor a 25-hour day (or a 26-mile run).FinishStartThis is exactly what you want to see at the end of a marathon – a friendly face & some juicy, chilled watermelon🍉.TempSuburbsGoldmineThey take their #RunClean campaigns seriously in the Free State. This sign seen during the #MielieMarathon in Welkom roughly translates as, “If you throw litter on my farm, I will make you dead with a lightning-bolt bitchslap!”Star
An up and down, out and back route with some of the best support tables in the country (and arrive at the start with enough time to enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee and rusks). A bit of dirt road running is thrown into the end of the loop for those that like to get off the tar for a bit. Make sure you leave room in your tog bag for the medal – it is by far the biggest in the country!
1km away from finishing marathon #174 and 91st different marathon. Volksrust turned 100 in 1989, I’m hoping to get to 100 Unique Marathons by April.Some of the 600 entrants getting their numbers at registration.If you arrive in time you can enjoy dunking an Ouma rusk in your complimentary coffee.600 Runners sheltering under the stadium.The runners brave hypothermia while waiting for the race announcer to get them going.The rain did not dampen the spirit of the support tables. Great variety of snacks to choose from including jellybeans and droewors.The marathon includes a tough, hilly and muddy off-road section that is like running 4km of cross country in the middle of a marathon.At most races you’re lucky to get a banana or jelly-baby at the tables. At the Volksrust Marathon you can enjoy a kilo of rump steak.I was worried that the farmers would mix brandy with the Coke. However, this table had sophisticated farmers who only drink Johnny Black. They are only topped, or aced, by Free State dairy farmers who drink Johnny Blue (but don’t do much farming).The pick of the tables was Amajuba Engineering who offered snacks, music and spare parts to weary runners.The Stucky Motors table got a quick spring clean before this photo was taken.About to head back. I’m not a Bon Jovi or I would caption this “Woah, we’re half way there”.The local farmers man most of the water tables and bring out their finest tractors to show off to the runners!You earn the biggest medal in South Africa when you finish the Volksrust Marathon.
Find out what happens if you kept running straight at Two Oceans instead of turning right towards Sun Valley. The route is a stunner that explores the southern tip of the Cape Peninsula and is the most beautiful of the January marathon options. Abridged description from race site, “Runners will line up facing away from Peer’s Cave… The route then takes the runners through Kommetjie, Misty Cliffs, Scarborough, and at the Perdekloof Picnic site, the Marathon runners will veer off towards Cape Point for a 6km loop…[after which you] continue over Red Hill. The runners join up with the Simonstown Main Road at the end of Red Hill, and continue towards Fish Hoek.” Be aware that Fish Hoek is a dry suburb so you may have to smuggle your own beer to the finish line.
Route map and profilePhoto from race website.Its great not to have to worry about litter tarnishing your race photos.Whilst Misty Cliffs lived up to its name, property developers take liberties with the naming of housing estates along the route.Red lining on Red Hill. The hill that gives the marathon its name is a compulsory walk for more people.Lifes a beach during the Red Hill Marathon.The beautiful drop down Paradise Kloof to Simons Town although you run past fair Scarborough earlier on the route, Garfunkel doesnt feature anywhere)Fish Hoek, line and sinker – this is the most scenic January marathon and has the friendliest marshals in the country).The procrastinators get to do a six kilometre dogs leg before tacking Red Hill.SlanghoekWho says Joburg runners are less chilled than their coastal counterparts?Its always a privilege to be out in nature and observe semi-domesticated beasts running free in their natural environments.Need a distraction during a marathon? Find a loud mouth who’s got something interesting to say.My oxygen-deprived highveld legs could use all the help they could get.Despite the signs, baboons are only the second most dangerous primate on the Cape roads. They are also responsible for less litter.Slanghoek LighthouseThe summit of Mount Genoa looms in the distance.Signing out from the Red Hill Marathon. Thanks to Bruce Hallock also better at photography than at maths) for the photo. Look out for the next race report from [].Fish Hoek runner Noel van Zyl is partial to a Savannah at the end of a marathon its dry so you can drink it in Fish Hoek).StartAccording to barefoot runner, Peter Taylor, Hillcrest is the roughest place on the Comrades route.Decision time at Perdekloof Junction: Keep left or turn right? Red Hill is unique in that you can do an in race distance upgrade or downgrade.
Johann van Eeden Akasia Marathon (Sat 27 Jan): Confirmed
A flat double-lapper around the north of Pretoria and proof that a small running club (Akasia with around 60 members) can put on an excellent event. Not much of interest along the route but this a good option for Gauteng runners to get the first marathon of the year done. Although there is plenty of parking at the Wonderpark Shopping Centre, there are about 6,000 runners across all distances so allow time for the congestion. The marathon honours Johann Van Eeden, an Akasia athlete who has completed 40 Comrades.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
80km (1h) drive but allow extra time for congestion.
With a 5:30pm start, this is the only night marathon in South Africa. An out-and-back, traffic-free route where lanterns line the road and guide you home after the sun sets. Ottosdal is the smallest town in the country to host a marathon and the town’s population more than doubles over race weekend (there are cycling events as well for the bike curious). Enjoy the simplistic beauty of being out in nature as the sun starts to set. The profile is undulating although there are no major hills but a few good pulls that will give your legs a good workout while the declines allow your legs to enjoy a few sundowners. This race is also the meat in the marathon running weekend sandwich that allows hardcore runners to run three marathons in just over 24 hours (with Wonderpark Akasia and Johnson Crane providing the bread).
Route profileRoute MapThe Ottosdal Marathon sunset.The first Ottosdal Night Marathon was run in 1995 and has become a highlight on the South African running calendar.Klerksdorp High School ran the first and last support table. These photos were taken about four hours apart. They were still in great spirits on the way home – speaking of which the table is opposite the town’s cemetery.Enjoying the last few minutes of natural light. One of the highlights (pun intended) of the race are the 1,500 handmade paraffin lanterns that light guide you home.Running a marathon is a lifetime achievement for some but for others, Ottosdal is just the meat in the middle of a marathon running sandwich. Don Rukanda was one of those #LegendsOfTheRoad who completed three marathons in just over 24hours.About to finish my first night marathon before doing some speedwork to the beer tent).About to finish my first night marathon before doing some speedwork to the beer tent).One of the 1,500 handmade lanterns placed on every second white line.Signing out from the Ottosdal Night Marathon – look out for the next report from the Meerkat Marathon in Kimberley.
Blue Mining Services Middelburg Marathon (Sat 27 Jan): Confirmed
This race lives up to the expectations that Benoni is the flattest, highest and most tedious part of the highveld: The two mostly flat laps are run between an altitude of 1618m and 1664m through the city streets, suburbia and out into the countryside passed smallholdings. Watch out for the nasty ‘slow poison’ pull from 18 to 20km which you get to repeat at the end of your marathon. Although this is not the most interesting route (there has not been much interesting to look at in Benoni since 1994 when Charlize Theron left for Hollywood), this race holds a special place in my heart since it was my debut marathon back in 2002 (when it was still a single-lap race). I enjoyed it enough to run 10 but have not run it since 2015 (after earning my permanent number and parole). In Pre-Covid times, the event had 14,000 participants across all distances, making it one of the biggest running events in the country and by far the largest in January. It is normally very well organised with plenty for the family to do at the finish line. If you are short of clothes and cash, after the December holidays the race always has a quality shirt and goodie bag for participants.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
30 minute drive along the N12. However traffic is very congested so you need to allow at least 90 minutes.
The flat, circular route provides a great on foot tour of some of Kimberley’s historic sites like the Big Hole, Rhodes Memorial (with canons and other artefacts from the Anglo Boer War), the Northern Cape houses of parliament and the Star of the West (the oldest pub in South Africa). The scenery over the route varies a great deal and provides a cosmopolitan perspective of suburbia, township, industrial and country life in and around the city. A carnival-like atmosphere awaits all finishers at Bishops Old Boys’ sports fields line. You can have a beer at the oldest pub in South Africa – the Star of the West – before, after or during or your marathon. If your legs are too tired after the race, you can always try the Halfway House – the first drive-in pub in South Africa.
The route is very flat with the only sharp spikes being brief bridge crossings over a railway line or highway.Route map.Signing out from the Kimberleys Meerkat Marathon – look out for the next report from the Klerksdorp Marathon. No moonshot.It’s impossible to avoid Kimberley’s Big Hole.If you’ve got an uncut gem, this is the number to call (‘Ding Dong’ looks like they decorate doorbells as well).Signing out from the Kimberleys Meerkat Marathon – look out for the next report from the Klerksdorp Marathon.Writing the entrance exam.MeerkatKimberley was the first city in the southern hemisphere and second in the world) to get electric streets lights.President Cyril Ramaphosa gets the Meerkat Marathon going (photo from Vodacom Kimberley Road Runners Facebook page).I was feeling thirsty towards the end of the Meerkat Marathon when the Namibia Breweries table magically appeared.Through Vodacoms sponsorship, the Kimberley Road Runners and Meerkat Marathon have grown to be the largest in the Northern Cape. They also had one of the best tables along the route.One of these lucky people is going to walk away with the R20,000 diamond.Don Rukanda tucks into his complimentary burger courtesy of John Dory’s.The race has an great finish area – and all marathon runners got a High Five from an enthusiastic meerkat.Left: The last stretch towards the Honoured Dead Memorial. Right: The memorial and Long Cecil canon (photo from Wikipedia).
Air Force Base Makhado Marathon (Sat 3 Feb): Confirmed
Race Date
Saturday 03 February 2024
Makhado, Lim
Route Type
Typical Finishers
Race Description
Bring out the jet fuel – this is a fast and very flat double-lapper around the Makhado air force base. You’ll get to see some jets in full flight during the race to the beautiful backdrop of the Soutpansberg mountains.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
500km (5h30) drive north east
Flyer (where available)
Bay Marathon (Sat 03 Feb): Cancelled
Gqeberha, EC
Route Type
Typical Finishers
+/- 500
Race Description
This looks to be a replacement for the Bay Ultra which was one of my favourite races from 2018 – a lovely 50km route with plenty of climbing over the first half before you drop back to sea level and a 20km Marine Drive finish along pristine Eastern Cape coastline. Running in Gqeberha (formerly Port Elizabeth) is always a treat – you’ll definitely get to experience the ‘Friendly City’ – but hopefully you’ll get a gentle sea-breeze and avoid experiencing the ‘Windy City’. The organisers are making an ongoing effort to reduce carbon footprint reduction and stand out as a leader in progressive race organisation and environmental efforts. All finishers will be awarded with bamboo medals and welcomed onto a “green carpet” on the finish line. There will be no water sachets on the 5km fun run route.
Detailed Report
Bay Ultra (See the Lighthouse at the End of an Ultra):
How To Get There from Joburg?
Fly to Gqeberha and 10km (15m) drive or 1,050km (11h) drive
Flyer (where available)
Bhekizizwe Joseph Shabalala Marathon (Sun 4 Feb): Confirmed
A new point-to-point race run from Watersmeet to Ladysmith. The race honours the legacy of the late Ladysmith Black Mambazo leader Dr Joseph Shabalala.
Find you true north with RunZone AC’s excellent single lap route around Joburg’s shady northern suburbs. An undulating circular route that has been designed for speed. A course where the climbs are gentle and the downhills are generous – and you get to run the “flat part” of Northcliff.
By the end of the Joburg North City Marathon I felt like I’d been hit by a bus – but it wasn’t this oneNone of the eager runners wanted to wait an extra 15 minutes to get Gauteng marathon running going again. Sometimes God sends you a sign.
This was definitely one of them.
At this stage of the Joburg North City Marathon, if I went any slower I would have to walk. So I did.Did anyone ever think they’d miss the sights & smells of early morning marathon starts?
Me neither!😆
Good to see the “regular” crowd back in action at the Joburg North City Marathon this weekend.Some easy post-Northcliff kilometres down Beyers Naude Drive. When the temperature’s pushing 30°C & the milage is pushing 40k this is the coolest thing you can do for your friendly local marathon runner.
Shout out to the household in Greenside that set up this street sprinkler during the race.Some of the scenic highlights along the route are Zoo Lake and Emmarentia Dam.The route is jam-packed with shady lanes. The distinctive blue and white hoops of the Gauteng branch of the Western Province supporters club.Full shade coverage in the middle of the day. The finish at Marks Park.The race is topped off by excellent support tables – the vibiest of the day was the Waterfall City Athletics Club table.According to the route description we only run “the flat side of Northcliff”.
This is what running (up & down) the flat side of Northcliff looks like!Signing out from the Joburg North City Marathon – look out for the next report from the Peninsula Marathon.
City of Mbombela / Jock of the Bushveld Marathon (Sat 10 Feb): Confirmed
This is a new point-to-point race from Barberton to Mbombela aimed at promoting tourism in the region. The course is undulating with an easy 5k downhill start before a long pull to the 15k mark. The big climb is just after the 22k mark for 6 kilometres. After that is mainly downhill to the finish. Note: The race will alternate each year so it will be from Mbombela to Barberton this year. More details on the route will be published in the March marathons article.
The race followed a new route in 2019 but still has the same great sponsor (Kloppers have sponsored the race since its inception 30 years ago). For those who’ve never run around the City of Roses, it can be surprisingly hilly – but the organisers have made sure they keep the climbing to a minimum with the objective of securing a good qualifier for their runners.
The largest town in the North West province boasts a well organised, fast and flat marathon with great water tables. This route has changed to a double-lap in 2020 through the suburbs to give runners more shade and less traffic. There is just one hill in Klerksdorp – but of course they make sure to show it off to their visiting runners during the marathon. The race is organised in collaboration with The Aurum Institute – a leading healthcare organisation that has successfully been battling the joint scourge of HIV and TB for the past 20 years.
Route profile.Route map.Not many people come flying past me in the second half of the marathon but I had to be quick to get this shot of Othusitse Motlhwaring before he sped off into the distance.Left: Don “The Pink Tutu Marathon Runner” Rukanda pirouettes his way through the Klerksdorp Marathon.
Right: The most famous Tutu of them all, the “Arch”, was born in Klerksdorp on 7 October 1931.potholesOne of several stud farms we passed along the route.Enjoying ice-cold sodas from the Panarottis support table.When you win the Miss Teen Klerksdorp beauty pageant, your duties include handing out water to thirsty runners at the Klerksdorp Marathon.FinishSigning outThe 2019 race is organised in collaboration with The Aurum Institute – a leading healthcare organisation that has been successfully battling the joint scourge of HIV and TB for the past 20 years.
Balwin Sport Jeppe Marathon (Sun 11 Feb): Confirmed
Johannesburg, Gau
Route Type
Typical Finishers
+/- 2000
Race Description
One of the highlights on the Joburg running calendar is back as part of the Balwin Sport marathon give Joburg runners the opportunity to hurtle around Bedfordview and Edenvale. Some runners think this course is tough (but they are wrong and need to get out more). Although there are one or two short, sharp steep pulls, most of the climbing is gentle – the highest-lowest point elevation difference is just 76m. You also do most of the hard work on the first half of the lap, hit the highest point (1672m) and then fly home from Gillooly’s Farm to the finish (1596m). You just need to remember to leave a little in the tank for a nasty pull in the last kilometre.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
11km from central Jhb but race day traffic is very congested so allow extra time.
If you ever wondered what a real avenue of trees looks like, Hillcrest is the place to find out. The route provides the astute runner an opportunity to get acquainted with the undulations and atmosphere they’ll encounter on their way down to Durban during Comrades later in the year. Whilst Comrades slowly processes 20,000 runners through Kwazulu Natal’s colon, you get to see the fresher, unprocessed side of the suburbs during the Hillcrest Marathon. This is one of the most scenic city runs I’ve done and, whilst I am not one to rush into definitive statements, Hillcrest can definitely lay claim to being the most beautiful double-lap, urban marathon in South Africa.
Route map and profile.The 5am start in Hillcrest’s red light district is great for avoiding the heat (but it’s a problem if your stomach only wakes up at six).Uranus: Regardless of your age, still by far the funniest of the planet names.Good news for runners, the Kloof girls like them hot and sweaty – so get your kit on and go for a long run!“Dad, what does a real avenue look like?”
“Run the Hillcrest Marathon and find out kid!”Whilst Comrades slowly processes 20,000 runners through Kwazulu Natal’s colon, you get to see the fresher, unprocessed side of the suburbs during the Hillcrest Marathon.A pair of Kloof ladies A hospital pass at the end of the marathon.Julian Draai and his Valentines Champagne breakfast table. Good news for the regular runner – there are plenty of blue beacons of beauty along the route.“Two Lions up a Tree” (artist unknown).Many residents set up their own support tables for the runners.Some tasty lollies at the end of the marathon.Signing out from the Hillcrest Marathon look out for the new report from Reitzs Bielie Mielie Marathon).If youre hurting at the end of the marathon its nice to know that ThreshHolds got you covered.
Sasol Secunda Marathon (Sat 17 Feb): Confirmed
Secunda, Mpu
Route Type
Typical Finishers
+/- 500
Race Description
After Sasol founded Sasolburg, they decided to establish a second town around the nearby coalfields of Mpumalanga. They called the town Secunda (which I imagine narrowly beat out Sasolburg II in the naming stakes). Sasol retains their dominance on the area by sponsoring both the Sasolburg and Secunda Marathons. The Secunda marathon is your standard, flat, industrial double-lapper. If running to the backdrop of massive cooling towers, smoky chimneys and giant steel constructions is your thing, then this is the race for you. The race claims to provide slightly more variety than their sister town of Sasolburg with a few gentle undulations to stop your legs from going to sleep – and if you are feeling tired the lively support tables will give you a boost.
A fast and flat route around Limpopo’s capital city. The route isn’t going to win any beauty competitions but is a good option as a qualifier for those in South Africa’s northern outreaches. The race strives to be the premium marathon in the area with a total prize purse of R150,000.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
325km (3h) drive due north on the N1.
Flyer (where available)
Potties Marathon (Sat 17 Feb): Not on calendar
Mokopane, Lim
Route Type
Typical Finishers
+/- 100
Race Description
An interesting double-lapper (you don’t get too many of those) on a flat route that includes a bit of dirt road running along some game farms. If you like experiencing town and country on the same run this is a good one to do. I always thought this race was in Potchefstroom but it takes its name from the former name of Mokopane – Potgietersrus – which was the town’s name when the race started.
According to the organiser this is fast, undulating, double-lap route.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
600km (6h) drive or 1h flight to Durban and 80km drive from King Shaka Airport.
Flyer (where available)
Balwin Sport Peninsula Marathon (Sun 18 Feb): Confirmed
Cape Town, WC
Route Type
Typical Finishers
+/- 3000
Race Description
A scenic point-to-point marathon from Green Point to Simon’s Town with plenty of running along the coastline. A fast, flat, easy marathon – unless the South Easter wind blows!
Fly to Cape Town; Green Point is 20km and Simon’s Town 45km from the airport.
Flyer (where available)
A fast and flat route that most of the other Cape Town marathons borrow from.Despite the uncertainty about the exact starting location, I made it there on time.You can run footloose and fancy free in Cape Town without worrying about disappearing down a pothole. “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust” applies to marriage, trains & historic buildings in the Western Cape.
Thought I’d better get an early morning shot of Cape Town City Hall in case it’s up in smoke the next time I run past.Wheres the beach? Youll need to wait until just before the 29 kilometre mark.A welcome sight entering Simon’s Town and seeing the Naval Base in the distance (is that what they call ‘naval gazing?’) Point-to-point marathons pose insurmountable logistical challenges for some Cape runners.
Since you meet Retreat at halfway during the Peninsula Marathon, perhaps an out-and-back advance-Retreat course would solve this problem?On the right side of the tracks. The Atlantic Ocean is your constant companion over the last 13 tablesThere was plenty of enthusiastic support over the second half of the route.Peninsula provides a pleasant frolic along the Atlantic Ocean.If you run too fast during the first 41kms of there are some hills and anchors to slow you down over the last kilometre so you don’t overshoot the finish line .Signing out from the Peninsula Marathon. Look out for the next race report from the eThekwini Best of the Best Marathon.I may not swim like a shark but I currently do run like a penguin!
This is a hilly out-and-back route along the quiet D96 passed Fort Amiel (a garrison from the Anglo Boer which is now a national monument). Although the course is tough, the surrounding scenery is simply stunning – your legs might complain about the hills but your eyes will feast on the pristine Drakensburg views for the full 42.2 kilometres. Whilst this might not be the easist marathon on the calendar, it’s great preperation for Comrades – every single person who used the race for as their Comrades qualifier finished the race in 2022.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
300km (3h15 drive) south
Flyer (where available)
Run the historic battlefields route (Photo supplied).
An excellent race close to the Swaziland border. The route is really simple – you run all the way to the Assegaai River and then you turn around and run back again. The first 8km provides a gentle climb and then you have a long gentle decline before a final plummet to the river. This means that the Assegaai stabs you in the back with lots of climbing over the second half. Local legend has it that if you drink from the Assegaai river, it will forever be in your blood. Local common sense has it that if you drink from the Assegaai river, you will have a severe case of explosive diarrhoea. The motto of the organising club is “Laat waai, Assegaai,” which translates as “Let loose, Assegaai.” – one glass of unfiltered river water and you’ll definitely be letting loose all over the place! The race entry is worth is just to experience the Charka support table – undoubtedly the best table I’ve ever had the pleasure of frequenting. Tables are every 2km along the route and compete for prestigious annual trophies.
How the results unfolded.Double D Route ProfilePhoto suppliedNice trees.Local legend has it that if you drink from the Assegaai river, it will forever be in your blood. Local common sense has it that if you drink from the Assegaai river, you will have a severe case of explosive diarrhoea. TWK Agri’s sponsorship also ensures that there is a pace car for the led marathoner (the town’s famous Dutch Reformed Church can be seen in the background).
The people of Reitz have a bielie mielie and they know how to use it! Although the town of Reitz is small in size they are big on mielies – and have one of the largest maize silos in the southern hemisphere. The marathon forms part of the Bielie Mielie Festival – a long weekend full of festivities, sporting activities and ‘lietjies’ from the best Afrikaans talent in the industry. The out-and-back route is run over undulating country roads while competitors take in the atmosphere of the eastern Free State. If you like your mielies buttered on both sides, stick around after the race to experience some local culture at the festival. The energetic and competitive can take part in the ‘Boeresport-kompetisie’ later on Saturday afternoon together with your favourite local soap opera stars. Other activities include eiergooi (egg-tossing), mieliepit eet (competitive corn consumption), sakresies (sack races), trekkerband trek (tractor tyre pull) en baaldra (hay bale tossing).
An undulating route in the middle of the Eastern Free State.Free State countryside montage.1. Dis mos mielies🌽
2. Dis cosmos flowers🌺
3, 4 & 5. Dis a moerse lot of potholes🕳️- the Ace of Spades♠️ has been digging holes all over the Free State.Windmills are prevelant on the landscape.If you’re not tall enough to grab the bull by the horns, your only choice is to go for the dangly bits!The town of Reitz is small in size but big on mielies – and have one of the largest maize silos in the southern hemisphere. Jan Carel CoetzeeSigning out from the Bielie Mielie Marathon. Look out for the next report from the inaugural Hemel and Aarde Marathon.
A downhill marathon from the famous Cango Caves to the Infantry School in Oudtshoorn. A fast qualifier amongst wonderful mountainous scenery and farmland – look out for large flocks of ostriches along the way to Oudtshoorn.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
1150km (11h+) drive. Recommend fly to George and 60km drive from there.
If you’re in Welkom and you’re bored (but I repeat myself). Three 16k laps around Welkom is great mental preperation for anything that life might throw at you!
Route map and profile.Solitary distance running provides and easy way to practice social distancing.For a handful of hardy ultra runners – no matter what happens in the future, we’ll always have Welkom.Enjoying a quick walk after one of the six support tables along the lap.While most South African ultra runners spent their Saturday morning running Om Die Dam, a massive overnight thunderstorm meant we got to run Om Die Puddles several times over).Looking for some jumper cables at the Battery Centre table.Whilst despised in the rest of the country, the Hadeda is revered in Welkom. Enjoying the novelty of a Welkom hill.A triple-lapper in Welkom! These marker boards will give your head a good workout.A 100 Free State and one Joburg runners get ready for a 5:30am start in the dark.Signing out from Welkomx Anco Ultra. Look out for the next report from who knows where and who know when I do have some 2019 reports still to publish though).
This race in the nation’s capital is one of the tougher marathons out there. The double-lap route winds you up Waterkloof Ridge and to the top of Klapperkop Hill before murdering your quads with a rapid descent that takes you all the way into the beautiful grounds of Pretoria Boys’ High School. Although the final kilometre is a juicy downhill, the preceding four kilometres are a steady climb that will test your weary legs.
Touted in its inaugural year (2020) as the Marathon of Choice, this is a relatively flat one-lap route around Kwazulu Natal’s capital city that starts in front of the iconic City Hall and finishes a short distance away at the Umsunduzi Athletics Stadium.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
500km (5h) drive or fly to Durban and 100km (1h) drive from King Shaka.
I’ve not run the course since it became a double-lapper but understand that it is fast and flat with lots of community participation. The race promises a unique township vibe and post-race entertainment. The route takes in several points of interest and historic sites like Walter Sisulu Square where the Freedom Charter was signed in 1955.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
Eldorado Park is 20km south west of central Joburg with many access points.
This is the first year that the Runified 50 will be a mass participation race open to all runners and also doubles as the ASA 50km Championships. The route is a 10km loop, followed by a 34km out-and-back stretch and then a final 6km loop to conclude the ultra.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
Fly to Gqeberha and 30km (30m) drive or 1,050km (11h) drive
This a point-to-point downhill flyer along a scenic route for those looking for an easy qualifier or to upgrade their Comrades seeding. The race sponsor also manages the road the marathon is run on – ensuring a safe and secure running experience with full road closures.
John Nugent was a prominent Upington optometrist who died of cancer 2014. He dedicated his life to eye-care in the region and his legacy is continued by his son with the John Nugent Marathon. All funds raised from the race are donated to the John Nugent Memorial Eye Care Foundation, a NPO that provides funding for Eye disease screening programs and funding for sight saving procedures. The two-lap route provides the best of Upington with stretches along the Orange River, vineyards, pecan orchards and scenic suburbs. Bring your all surface shoes because you’ll be running on farm roads, jeep tracks and tarmac. Although this is a flat course, there is a nasty heartbreak hill towards the end of each lap to make sure you earn your unique medal which is in the format of a pair of spectacles. This is officially the hardest marathon to get to in the country: A 9-hour+ drive from all South Africa’s major cities or a very expensive once-a-day flight on SA Airlink. However, if you want to say you’ve run all over South Africa you need to notch up a marathon in all 19 athletics provinces – and this is the perfect opportunity to do so in the North Western Cape region.
800km (8-9h drive) or very expensive 1h30 flight (over R6,000)
Flyer (where available)
The route itself is a flat double-lapper with some circular sections around town and a 5km out-and-bac section along the banks of the Orange River.Jonathan Kaplan enjoying his time in the desert.RiverRunning passed lucerne fields on a section local runners call the “Energy Lab”.Panning to a scenic shot while we wait for Jonathan to finish.The organisers do they bests to give you as much shade as possible on the route.Despite a record field of 38 runners, this is as crowded as it gets along the route.succulentsucculentsFinishTablesMuddy green is the new orange – the Orange River is the longest in South Africa is named after the Dutch ruling family rather than the colour of her waters.Horsing aroundRunning passed next year’s vintage.Orange River CellarsHitchhikerHellfire Pass – strategically positioned 2km from the finish.SunriseDawnStartThe John Kaplan
Most humans learn walk when they are one years old. Kimberley Harriers celebrated their first birthday with a marathon over half a decade ago and they’ve now got the oldest marathon in the Northern Cape. I was fortunate to run the Golden Jubilee of the Diamond Marathon in 2020 (their 50th event). There are not many marathons on the planet that get to turn 50 and this may be the one with the smallest field. The route is fast and flat route with the friendly runners from Kimberley to keep you company. The races boast one of the longest standing men’s records in South Africa: 2:19:05 set 30 years ago by a very young Gert Thys who was running as a junior!
500km (5h) drive or 1h flight (approx R2,000 return)
Flyer (where available)
Flat route.StartSpecial 50th edition medal and badge.This is the face you make when youre at teh start of If youre looking heading towards a meltdown, running these long, flat, straight roads in the Kimblerley heat will speed up the process.A short trail section followed by a long road alongside a mine dump.Kimberley was the second city in the world to get electric lighting the first was Philadelphia).There is a distinct charm to running marathons in Kimberley.Exactly 21 kilometres into the Diamond Marathon💎 you pass the Halfway House Hotel & accompanying The Half pub.ShotLong CecilWatch out runners, the Honoured Dead Memorial is ahead.ArtisanKeeping the route as flat as possible.PotterYou run past many beautiful old historic buildings during the city section of the race. Same time, same place, same face, different race.Signing out from the Diamond Marathon. Look out for the next report from Welkoms Anco Ultra.Were only here for De Beers.Congratulations to Kimberley Harriers Running Club on your golden jubilee and thanks for the wonderful hospitality).
Flat and beautiful don’t often go together but the Knysna Heads marathon gets full marks on both counts. The highest point on the route is just 30m above sea level. This is a tranquil tour around the Knysna Lagoon which hugs the water for all but 2.4 km of the entire route.
1,250km (12h) drive or 2h flight to George (R1,000 – R3,000 return) and 70km (1h) drive.
Flyer (where available)
Route map and profile.Race day conditions were cool and misty – great for running but lousy for photos.Luck of the Irish – making the most of the St. Patrick’s Day table.Heading back up George Rex Drive.LagoonLagoonJettyRed brick roadLagoonLagoonLagoonThe lights come back on as we head off Thesen Island and back onto the mainland.The red brick road.Q: What has two thumbs and likes Knysna Heads?
A: This guy!
(I’m sure there’s a dirty joke in there somewhere but you’d have to be a cunning linguist to pull it off.)Signing out from the Knysna Heads Marathon. Look out for the next report from the Great East Marathon in rural Mpumalanga.StartFinishPhantom PassPoint CloseNedbank Running Club George’s Riaan Cronje checks whether he’s run fast enough to shop, eat, stay & play after the marathon.Forest
This was the favourite marathon I ran in 2017. It doesn’t get any better (or more South African) than running a marathon in an unfenced Big 5 game reserve. The Marakele National Park is nestled into the Waterberg and the race organisers ensure that you take time to enjoy your beautiful surroundings with one of the toughest climbs in the country to get to the turnaround point. Before heading back to the safety of base camp, take some time to enjoy the spectacular cliff faces. Whilst looking up, don’t be too concerned if vultures seem to be circling overhead and following you – the reserve is instrumental in the conservation of Cape Vultures with 800 breeding pairs (the most in the world). Armed rangers are positioned every few hundred metres to keep a close eye on proceedings and ensure the safety of the runners. Depending on your thrill-seeking levels, you may be lucky (or unlucky) enough to get a big 5 sighting on route – in 2012 runners had to be couriered around a pride of lions lazing in the road and some 2017 runners blamed their slower than expected times on the lethargic elephant bull who wandered across the route. If you do encounter a predator during your run the standard game ranger advice is, “Don’t worry, you don’t have to run faster than a lion. You just have to run faster than the guy next to you!” All proceeds go to the Marakele National park and its conservation projects. Each year the run themes itself around a different animal.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
250km (3h) – see how far the William Nicol/R511 goes north and the turn right to Thabazimbi.
Flyer (where available)
Enjoying the scenery in a Big 5 Reserve during Marakele Marathon 8 April 2017.730105_SHR_Marakele Marathon Route Map_Print 2024The magnificent Marakele – run a marathon in an unfenced Big 5 national park.
This is a quality 50km race surrounded by the beautiful Eastern Cape landscape. One of the real hidden gems on the race calendar. A race all runners should make the effort to run at least once. A 25km climb out of Somerset East to the top of the Bruintjieshoogte and then back again is the recipe for another great South African 50km ultra. The oldest ultra in the Eastern Cape and one I would recommend all runners add to their running CV. Top tip: Take some time to unwind afterwards in the awesome Addo Elephant National Park – and practice your game spotting skills along the route keeping a lookout for kudu, gemsbok and the majestic sable.
1,050km (11h) drive or a 1h30 flight (approx R1,500) and 200km (2h) drive to Somerset East..
Flyer (where available)
A vicious route – if you 3D printed the profile you could definitely hurt someone with the output.Does my bum look cold in these pants? A chilly start in the Karoo (my expression is dueto the cold and not pre-race nerves). The plaques are people who attended the school (and years attended), not those who’ve perished trying to summit the Bruinjieshoogte pass.Top class home cooked meals at the registration pasta party.The race announcer runs through the proceeding while runner huddle around the spot lights to keep warm.Cars need to watch out for low-flying kudus on the roads leading into Somerset East. But kudus need to watch out for stampeding herds of runners during the Bruintjieshoogte Ultra.A Somerset sunrise.Great to see runners adhering to the no litter policy.Whilst the Boschberg mountains dominate the background.Jeremy Know – living proof that you can have narcolepsy and still run Comrades.These runners certainly enjoyed themselves on the new route.Termite mounds dominate the foreground.
Hemel & Aarde Marathon (Sat 2 Mar): Cancelled
Caledon-Hermanus, WC
Route Type
Typical Finishers
+/- 2000
Race Description
This is s beautiful point-to-point route between Caledon and Hermanus. On paper this is an easy downhill marathon but in practice there are plenty of rolling hills along the way before you finally start descending towards the coastline. The good news for weary runner is that refreshment tables are every 2km from the 30km mark and the last 10km are “mostly downhill”. The Hemel and Aarde race is organised by running legend Wietse van der Westhuizen who promises to move heaven and earth to make is a great new runner-centric addition to the marathon calendar. This year the finish is at Hermanus High School which cuts out one of the early climbs and makes the route easier than the inaugural event in 2020.
Fly to Cape Town; 100km (1h15) drive from the airport to Caledon or Hermanus
Flyer (where available)
Some devilish peaks before reaching Hemel 400m above sea level at the 28 kilometre mark.MontageI still allegedly giggle like a schoolboy when I see Hermanus road signs.For a downhill marathon, there were an awful lot of uphills over the first 28 kilometres. Heaven might not be a place on earth but Hemel and Aarde is a marathon and a valley) in the Western Cape.A few of the tempting distractions over the last 14 kilometres of the marathon,FinishOne of the first wineries we passed was closed. I wondered whether they were light starters or had been plundered by a marauding crew of Pirates.Completing the Caledon townrun and about head back to the coastline.Caledonian deja vu. Early race highlights included squeezing through a school gate and running uphill on the N2 highway.ApplesWindMolesThe bad traffic led to someone being late for their own funeral.Theres always time for one last hill.FieldStartVicus van der Merwe is always ready to give a guy a rub down.The ice-lolllies at four kilometres to go were a nice touch the West Coast runner seems to be attacking his wter sachet likes he shucking some seriously tasty shellfish).Goodwood, better hair. Moose Burger sports the most distinctive crop of hair on the Cape flats and hills.Michael BrinkIf you want to upgrade from drinking like a fish to drinking like a whale, Southern Right is the winery to visit. BathtubWho needs to spend time watching Game of Thrones when you can run through the Place of the Gods?
For those who are scared of curves, this is as flat as South African marathons get. Bring a rose to throw on the lawn of the late crooner Bles Bridges – you never know, he might be your father! This is an immensely popular qualification marathon and a race many a runner has PBed on. The two-laps are as fast and flat with a very gradual climb over the first half of the lap. The second half includes the Three Rivers region (see if you can spot the Suikerbosch, Vaal and Klip Rivers). Although Vaal Athletic Club (also known as sideways Celtics for their vertical green and white striped vest) has just 49 members they pull in friends, family and the local community to pull off the biggest sporting event in the Vaal Triangle. The race gives back to the local community in kind with a portion of your entry going to local charities (and funds from previous race funds have been used to fix all the potholes on the route). There is a special medal on offer: An “Arthur Doyle” medal for all sub-3:15 finishers. Arthur is the lifelong President of the Vaal Athletic Club and is one of the founding fathers of the marathon.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
60km (45m) south but allow more time for raceday traffic.
This is your stock-standard fast-and-flat East Rand double-lapper. A well organised, low fuss community organised marathon with all proceeds going to local charities.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
Edenvale is 15km east of central Joburg with many access points.
Flyer (where available)
Ethekwini Best of Best Marathon (Sun 3 Mar): Confirmed
A double-lap route from Kings Park Stadium towards Suncoast Casino including a section along the promenade. From there it’s over the river to Durban North and then back to Kings Park. This race is much better organised than the Durban City Marathon which follows a similar route.
600km (6h) drive or 1h flight to Durban and 35km drive from King Shaka Airport.
Flyer (where available)
This is what the start line looked like 10 minutes before I arrived (photo supplied).Moses Mabida Stadium, a sight (or should that be site) that many Comrades Marathon runners will be hoping to see before the sun goes down on 28 August.Confirming that the sun still rises in the east.Hitting the promenade.A subtle sign.Enjoying the leafy suburbs of Durban North.A bit of Sunday morning running fever amongst the fever trees.Crossing the Umgeni River towards the end of the lap.Street sweeping, Durban-style, at the Orcas Running Academy table.There are no nets to protect you from the Sharks fans during Best of the Best Marathon.
The danger with running past King’s Park (Home of the Sharks) at the end of lap 1 is getting the Baby Shark (doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo) song stuck in your head for the whole of lap 2 (it was a rough couple of hours).Signing out from the Best of the Best Marathon. Look out for the next report from the Durban City Marathon.
Lake Umuzi Kosmos 3-in-1 Marathon (Sat 9 Mar): Confirmed
A flat marathon where most of the participants stick around to run another half marathon at lunchtime and a further 10km in the evening for a 73.3km total. You can run all three or enter events individually. The race has superb refreshment tables hosted by the local community – so you’ll be well fed and supported over the course of the day (the Fats Cats running club were known as the Chubby Cats before they started running Kosmos). All races start and finish at the Lake Umuzi Kamp Oase – an excellent venue that provides plenty of entertainment options for the kids while mom and/or dad run.
Kosmos Marathon route profile.Spotted a patch of wild Kosmos flowers towards the end of the Kosmos Marathon.A quick stop to inspect the state of the art fire fighting equipment in Secunda.On show (and almost finished) at another great table (Rawson Property Group) during the Kosmos Marathon.You’ll never go hungry in Secunda. Biscuits, boerewors, Easter eggs, pretzels, jelly babies, marshmallows and potatoes (but thankfully no polony) – and that’s just at these 2 tables.I felt very lonely in the “marathon only” finishers chute being one of only 290 that wimped out with just a marathon!
VKB Surrender Hill Marathon (Sat 9 Mar): Confirmed
Clarens, FS
Route Type
Typical Finishers
+/- 100
Race Description
One should always be wary of marathons with the word ‘hill’ in the title – the Surrender Hill Marathon enhances this reputation. It’s a gruelling out-and-back route that takes one over 1,900m above sea level whilst you enjoy the natural beauty of the Maluti Mountains. Surrender Hill was known as ‘Sleeping Beauty’ until 1900 when the Free State Boers surrendered to the British during the Angle Boer War. It is now a national heritage site and forms the focal point of the marathon. Saying that you’ve conquered Surrender Hill is must for all marathon runners.
profileThe out-and-back route is surrounded by mountain ranges (the solid line is the Lesotho border).StartsandstoneThe best way to get stoned and enjoy your runner’s high is through some Maluti muti.I met Moses somewhere on the road between Bethlehem and Damascus during the #SurrenderHillMarathon (and we took a minute to enjoy the view).
Unfortunately he only parts liquid (and not rock) so we had to run over (not through) the Clarens mountains.stonedAndrew Mosotho sporting his traditional Mokorotlo hat (whilst in the background Coenie Venter shows of his ‘funky pant’ as traditionally worn in Bothaville).FinishSigning out from the Surrender Hill Marathon. Look out for the next race report from the John Nugent Marathon in Upington.Some photos don’t need a caption, just a credit. Thank you Andre Harmse for this awesome picture of the pacing assistance I received over the final climb at the Surrender Hill Marathon.
If you can fly up these hills, Comrades will be a breeze! And if the hills don’t leave you breathless, the scenery will. This is as difficult as marathons get. The first 17km smash your quads as you skydive from an altitude 1,200m down to 650m. If you go out too fast expect a lot of turbulence over the rest of your journey. For those that avoid a crash landing into the lowveld, the next few kilometres provide a chance to level out… but then it’s time to fasten your seatbelts for a monster 600m climb over 10km that will test the aviation skills of even the strongest marathon runner. As long as the wheels haven’t come off, the last 3km are an easy downhill for a smooth landing back in Tzaneen.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
400km (4h30) along the N1 to Polokwane.
Flyer (where available)
If the Tzaneen hills dont leave you breathless, the scenery will Photo supplied).
Replace the traffic, congestion and carbon monoxide of other locales with the thick Midlands air on a traffic-free marathon and celebrate Water Week with a marathon around the Midmar Dam. This is a beautiful but surprisingly tough route exploring the 3,000 hectare Midmar nature reserve. Enjoy a complimentary coffee at the start and the stunning scenery along the route. Top tip: Stay in one of the resort chalets which are a few hundred metres from the start and enjoy a weekend in the Midlands.
Must be bad diet when “Emergency Evacuation” is needed after “Coil Processing”. Stayed 300m from the start so my coils were processed from the comfort of my chalet.Dropping back down to the dam before a tough last quarter of the race separates the marathon runners from the 20 milers.Great to see Comrades supporting one of their small qualifiers.Umgeni Water MarathonUmgeni Water MarathonUmgeni Water have sponsored all 21 editions of the race. It’s fitting that the Umgeni Water Table at the Umgeni Water Marathon serves Umgeni Watermelon!Heading back to the Midmar Dam.You lose a lot of minerals running a marathon. You can replace them all by eating enough different coloured jelly beans!Another dam fine marathon I got myself into (& around)!
This is a stunner of a race run entirely through the West Coast National Park. You start on the beach to the crashing sounds of the Atlantic Ocean and head up and down the fynbos covered sand dunes whilst the tranquil turquoise waters of the Langebaan Lagoon (the largest of its kind in the world) keeps you company. Those worried about twisting an ankle (or getting their shoes dirty) need not fear, only the initial 2km are on (smooth) dirt road and the remainder on tar. As an added bonus the route is entirely traffic free, so you can really appreciate your surroundings. Watch out for Langebaan Country Estate beer table at the 36km mark – which acts a warm-up for the carnival-like atmosphere at the finish.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
2h flight to Cape Town and 150km (1h30) drive from the airport to Langebaan.
Like the name says, this ultra is one long lap around the Hartbeespoort Dam. The route is back to its traditional anti-clockwise direction in 2022 which means the classic climb of Saartjies Nek greets you at the 38km mark. This is a tough route with continual undulations.. Enjoy the spectacular views on offer as you run over the Hartbeespoort Dam wall early on but the real highlight of this race is Saartjies Nek at 38km. Legend has it that Saartjie was a wicked witch who now haunts the pass (making this a real “hek’s nek”). Saartjie is indeed a nasty nymph who will haunt and taunt the weary ultra runner as you slowly drag yourself to the top of the Nek. Take your time to appreciate the effort the support tables put into this section – the road is lined with replica witches who mock you with “mop messages” like “Saartjie sê goeiemore“, “Saartjie het jou” (Saartjie’s got you) and at the top “Saartjie sê sien jou volgende jaar” (Saarjie says see you next year). When I first ran the race, Saartjie could only speak Afrikaans but she has learnt a bit of English over the years – maybe she’ll also start speaking another of our 11 official languages in years to come!
80km (1h). Reduced events and entry numbers should make traffic better this year but in the past you had to leave by 3:30am to make the 6am start. Note from the organisers: “There will soon be updated detail directions from Gauteng to the venue on our website (since there are various routes available). Runners should familiarise them with the proposed routes and not use their GPSs only, since there will be road closures in Hartbeespoort on the morning of the race.”
Flyer (where available)
It’s just one big 50km loop around the dam.The Pelindaba Nuclear Power Plant (hopefully not to be expanded anytime soon) looms over runners during the #OmDieDam Ultra Marathon.
South African runners rely mainly on Coca-Cola to power them through an Ultra.Crossing the Crocodile River during Om Die Dam 50km. Fortunately there aren’t crocs in this section of the river to pick off the slower runners (you need to go way downstream into Limpopo Province for that).Crossing the Crocodile River during Om Die Dam 50km. Fortunately there aren’t crocs in this section of the river to pick off the slower runners (you need to go way downstream into Limpopo Province for that).Stop to enjoy a dam fine view when you cross the wall.After running around a big dam. these runners ran “om die dammetjie” just before the finish.Blah
Balwin Sport Dolphin Coast Marathon (Sun 17 Mar): Confirmed
“Fast and beautiful” is a combination you’ll seldom find on South African marathon route descriptions – get to enjoy the best of both worlds at this marathon up and down the M4 Dolphin Coast highway. Enjoy great beach views on a fast course whilst the gentle sea breeze counteracts the Durban heat and humidity. Note: This race was previously known as the Dolphin Coast Marathon.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
600km (6h30) drive or fly to King Shaka and 20km (20m) drive.
Flyer (where available)
Human Rights Real Gijimas Ultra Ultra (Sun 17 Mar): Confirmed
A unique and superb running experience through the Eastern Cape townships. Highly recommended for those that want something a little different. The Real Gijimas club was formed in Mdantsane township as a sporting outlet during the political turmoil of the 1980s. As such they are the oldest township running club in the country and organise an impressive array of races – including the Bridle Drift Half Marathon (the toughest of its kind in the province). The inaugural 50k ultra was held in 2018 and the second running of this point-to-point race through the rural Eastern Cape promises to become a highlight on the running calendar. Having run every 50k race in South Africa, I can confirm that this is the toughest. If you can sail through the final 11km of razor-sharp uphills into and around Mdantsane township you are in good shape.
The route has 889m of climbing and the toughest finish of any race I’ve done.StartIf you cant run from the police, run with them. Chatting to policeman Khaya Siyata right) on one of the early climbs. Khaya only finished his patrol at 3:30am Photo credit: Natasha Venter). First we take Phakamisa, then take Berlin. Most of us will never run the Berlin Marathon but you can run through Berlin in the Real Gijimas Ultra.Trying not to get trampled by the Oxford Striders bus whilst enjoying the views.The Walter Sisulu University doesnt take walk-ins, by walk-byes on the Real Gijimas Ultra are permitted. Avoiding the morning traffic along the Golden Highway.When your hairdresser doubles up as a surgery you can get your hair cut & your tonsils out in one sitting. No wonder the kid in the blue short looks nervous!
No dull moments or blunt instruments during the Real Gijimas Ultra.Whilst we may never know why the chicken crossed the road, each of the eight village idiot initiates had their reasons for running back-to-back ultras.Running in South Africa’s townships is a special and unique experience – super support along the way is always guaranteed.Don’t judge Justice Kowa for doubling over until you’ve run 39km in his shoes. This is the start of the Jiba Road climb and 11km of hell.Jiba Road climb.In not sure whether the Old Mutual AC runners wife is telling him to hurry up or warning him about the hills around the corner – but it was a very animated conversation.Forgive us our shins.Signing out from the Real Gijimas Ultra. Look out for the next report from the Loskop 50k Ultra.Sick of being hassled to pay your TV licence?
Pissed off that the Bold & the Beautiful got cancelled?
Never got over what Hlaudi with a chance of bankruptcy did to your favourite channels?
Volunteer as a masseuse at the Real Gijimas Ultra & take your frustrations out on SABC runners!
Celebrate your right to run a marathon on Human Rights Day in Standerton. This is your typical small mining/agricultural town marathon with energetic support tables lining the out-and-back route. This is a popular qualifying marathon with a fairly easy route along the R50 towards Leandra. In the past the R50 was a like a cross-country course in places – and your biggest risk was disappearing down a pothole – however, the road has recently been repaired so this year’s runners can enjoy a smooth run. For those that aren’t chasing a fast time, enjoy the thousands of cosmos flowers that are blooming at this time of the year.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
160km (2h) south east.
Flyer (where available)
Human Rights Marathon (Thu 21 Mar): Confirmed
Ngqeleni AC, EC
Route Type
Typical Finishers
Race Description
Nothing known about this marathon.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
Expensive flight into Mthatha or Fly to East London & 230km (3h15) drive to Mthatha
Obtuse, acute, right: Regardless of which angle you look at the Vaal Triangle from, you are in for a hot run through flat industrial landscapes. However, the people of the Vaal Triangle are proud of their towns, so much so that they all make you run around them twice. Sasolburg, founded in 1954 as a housing project for the local Sasol petroleum refinery (and the bottom point of the Vaal Triangle), is no exception: This is a fast and flat marathon that gives you a two-lap tour of the town. However, the race organisers have some mercy on their runners and ensure that there is plenty of shade along the way – and what the area lacks in natural beauty they make up for with some spectacular waterpoints.
This is the one of the fastest and easiest marathons on the calendar. Make sure you stock up on ice to treat your quads afterwards though! A point to point, downhill quadkiller that starts on the R37 towards Sabie and finishes at the Mbombela Stadium. Although the last few kilometres are similar to Kaapsehoop Marathon, this race drops you into Nelspruit/Mbombela via a different road. Take time to admire the views as you descend from the highveld to the lowveld – and enjoy the scents and colours of the local foliage and fauna. Note: There used to be a 50km and standard marathon option but in 2023 there is just a marathon.
What’s going down? About 900m of decline over 50km.Flamboyant trees and Sst. Joseph’s lilies line the road along the route.Some more scenery along the route.Sunrise in the Lowveld somewhere on the R37 near Sabie. Just 50km back to Mbombela. One photo of the sunrise in all its beauty and one with me photobombing the sunrise!It’s about to go down – The blue shirt guy (on the far right) doesn’t look like he wants to be there and the turquoise hat guy (middle) is giving someone a serious skeef!The Lowveld produces some of the tastiest avocados in the world. A good deal at R40 ($3) for this bag from a street vendor – but I was saving my money for beer (and still had about 20km to run)Nice table CellC – but the last thing an ultra marathon runner needs on route is “Fibre” (especially not a regular guy like me).One way to incentivise the runners to #runclean – great idea Divergent Ops!The Van Heerden Pharmacy table saved my bacon!Spot the stadium in the distance.A picture so perfect it looks like the Manoni runner has been superimposed on the scene! Memories 4 U Photography take pictures and share them for free on the Facebook Page. Also check out their video from the event.
Makoro Village Race Marathon (Sat 23 Mar): Confirmed
Mankweng, Lim
Route Type
Typical Finishers
Race Description
Nothing known about this marathon.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
Flyer (where available)
JT Gumede 79k Ultra (Sat 23 Mar): Doubtful
Bergville, KZN
Route Type
Typical Finishers
Race Description
Nothing known about this marathon.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
350km (3h30) drive south down the N3
Flyer (where available)
Johannesburg City Marathon (Sun 24 Mar): Confirmed
Note: This will be a new single-lap route in 2024 and the race has rebranded to be called the “Johannesburg Marathon”. This is the Texas Chainsaw Massacre of marathons – connoisseurs of pain, horror and gore will love it whilst the weak and squeamish will hate every minute (for the record I love this race). The race celebrates its 77th running in 2023. As such it is Johannesburg’s oldest race – and the oldest standard marathon in the country. A tough double-lapper that has so many hills that no one has bothered to name them. A great Comrades training run and an experience that epitomises what marathon running is all about – a gritty race, organised by people who love the sport, that gives your legs (and your mind) a great workout. Highly recommended for Gauteng runners.
Route ProfileAllan Ferguson crosses the line for a 50th Jackie Gibson finish. No one has ever run the same ultra 50 times and only a handful of runners have achieved this feat for a marathon.Rissik Street 1946. 18 runners set off on the first Jackie Gibson Marathon. The race was eventually won by Wally Hayward.The Safari is a local pub. For the best sightings of local wildlife pay them a visit after dark on a weekend!Runners struggle up AFH,An early nameless hills quickly warms the runner up on a cool morning.The expression says it all. A runner from the Benoni flatlands in Johannesburg’s East Rand gets some hillwork in before Comrades.Not sure there’s enough arrows in the quiver of South Africa’s version of cupid to fall in love with the Jackie Gibson’s hills.Theres quite a bit of traffic on route but dedicated running lanes and good marshalling make it a non-issue.On the outskirts of the Klipriviersburg Nature Reserve. Here the special fencing is used to protect protect the wildlife from the locals!Decision time at the split (actually this photo was from the second lap – didn’t want to stop on the first in case I had a psychological meltdown!).Just finished Joburg’s toughest marathon.
A flat two lap tour of Durban incorporating the city centre, promenade, harbour and point area. Runner Beware: Bring your own water – this race is regularly plagued by serious organisational issues.
600km (6h) drive or 1h flight to Durban and 35km drive from King Shaka Airport.
Flyer (where available)
A pancake flat double-lap route with the highlight being the long stretch along the promenade.A 5:30am start to the backdrop of the impressive Moses Madhida Stadium.Heading towards the city lights.There was water everywhere – except where it counted during the Durban City Marathon. The early bird gets the worm but the slow runner gets some water at the Durban City Marathon.Things you don’t need to bring to the Durban City Marathon: Fishing rods
Things you do: A straw to suck up some delicious rain water (#CarryYourOwn KZN-style)
Things you don’t need to bring to the #DurbanCityMarathon: Fishing rods🎣
Things you do: A straw to suck up some delicious rain water (#CarryYourOwn KZN-style)
There was definitely something fishy with this race…Not much for 3,500 runners. The Phantane Running Club went out and bought water from their own pockets for the marathon runners on the second lap.Summarise a marathon in one photo.They take their rules and regulations seriously at the Durban City Marathon. With the race being organised by ASA technical officials, there’s no feeding the wildlife or hydrating the runners.Chillie Runners to the rescue. Whether youre in Cape Town, Joburg or Durban – There’s been a Chillie Runners table at every marathon I’ve done this year.Heading through Durbans backside.The power of subliminal advertising.Another Kings Park finish.Slaying the king of the beasts in King’s Park athletics stadium. Look out for the next report from the Seshego 50k in Polokwane.
By popular demand, the race is back to the traditional out-and-back route through the sugar cane fields. For the bipodal (who enjoy a bit of running in the rough), you get the best of both tar and trail on this course. The scenic route combines tar and off-road running over a course that will test your endurance. Northern Natal can be very hot, but the refreshment tables are always well stocked with ice-cold Coke and water. Marathon runners are ensured a balanced diet over the route with barrels of bananas (which grow like weeds in this part of the world) as well as potatoes and oranges. Note: This was formerly known as the Tronox Marathon.
The Tronox route provides a constant assault on the legs.There were about 200 entrants for the marathon.Within a kilometre we were out of the city and into the countryside.A beautiful rumrise running past acres of unprocessed rum. Medical care with benefits.The iconic steel bridge just before the final turnaround point.Running with the bulls is a lot more sedate in Zululand than it is in Pamplona.Judging by the number of fully laden sugarcane trucks we saw, some people are getting way too much sweetness in their diet.You get a nice view of Empangeni on the back stretch of the second out-and-back.Summitting the races toughest hill provides the reward of a great view of the Okula River. One of the long, hot, steady pulls on the route. The route if made up of three separate out-and-back sections which allows you to get to know the rest of the field.Signing out from the Tronox Marathon. Look out for the next race report from the Timbavati Traverse.
Festival of Running Marathon (Fri 29 Mar): Confirmed
Turn your Good Friday into a Great Friday with this tough “training run” marathon with a total elevation gain of 847m. The race starts at 3:30pm so it is one of the only opportunities to run an afternoon marathon in South Africa.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
Fly to Gqeberha and 30km (30m) drive or 1,050km (11h) drive
Run Against Diabetes (with Pitso Molemane) Marathon (Sun 31 Mar): Half Marathon Only
Randfontein, Gau
Route Type
Typical Finishers
Race Description
Nothing known about this marathon.
Detailed Report
JM Busha Peace Marathon (A Tale From The Tavern) [Not sure how close the route is to this once off event.]:
The return of the City to City Ultra. The route is running from Centurion Rugby Club to Wanderers Stadium which means that the highest point on the route will be just before the finish.
Hippo Richards Bay Marathon (Sat 6 Apr): Confirmed
Richards Bay, KZN
Route Type
Typical Finishers
+/- 200
Race Description
Run the most easterly marathon in South Africa in Richards Bay at the ‘Hippo’ – a super flat double-lapper at sea-level through the suburbs of Richards Bay. Things can get hot and sweaty very quickly in Richards Bay so to compensate for the expected heat the race starts extra early and refreshment tables are extra frequent to prevent overheating. Full road closure on two of the main roads and partial road closure for the rest of the route.
600km (7h) drive or fly to Durban and 150km (1h30) drive from King Shaka along the N2.
Flyer (where available)
There is just one hill in Richards Bay.Route map.The shirt, medal and old-school sponge from the Hippo Marathon.but you needed to be on the streets 12-hours earlier to see the HotBods running the #HippoMarathon.Snake countryThe BOs table was my favourite of the race Im not sure if BO is a person, acronym or what you get if you dont shower three times a day in Richards Bay).Ice bath.Wrong way.Zero tolerance.With an eye for an eye, a nose👃 for a deal I spotted this sunglasses vendor shortly thereafter and thought about doubling down with an extra pair.Marathon runners catching the 10km runners this little guy looks like he would ahve liked a 5km option).StartTo misquote Otis, “I’m sitting on a dolos at Richards Bay, wastin’ time.”The sun makes an appearance.Chilling in the lagoon after the inaugural #HippoMarathon in Richards Bay. The air here is almost as humid as the water.TrainIron bridge.Water crossing.Big Bertha
Highveld Marathon (Sat 6 Apr): Confirmed
Ermelo, Mpu
Route Type
Typical Finishers
+/- 300
Race Description
Your stock, standard small town marathon through the Mpumalanga agricultural and mining town (and surrounding countryside) of Ermelo.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
210km (2h15) drive east on the N17.
Flyer (where available)
Mall of the North Marathon (Sat 06 Apr): Confirmed
Polokwane races are normally hot and not particularly interesting. However, this race bucks the trend and is the best I’ve done in Limpopo’s largest city. An out and back route that takes you almost immediately from the mall parking lot into pristine African savannah and keeps you there for over 40km.
Enjoying the sunrise on quiet roads over pristine African Savannah.Lots and lots of space! Fast runners are on the right, slower runners (still heading to the turnaround point) are on the left.Acacia Thorn trees are distinctive in the Limpopo bushveld and line the route. First National Bank (#FNB) also chose this tree for their logo (because there’s a prick in every branch).Relaxing & inspecting my next car (I wish) after marathon #184 (and #99 towards my goal of 100 unique marathons).Last few kilometres – the sudden transition from rural to urban as one re-enters the city.Some people stand on the shoulders of giants, I prefer to rest on their feet!The Polokwane Observer had one of the best tables. Although the race was on a Saturday, they wore their Sunday best for the runners!Just some quality Polokwane butternuts swinging in the morning breeze. Good value at R30 for 7kgs!You pass some quaint villages including Kotishing. If Kotishing was a verb, it would be a good word to describe one’s bodily functions during a really bad bout of gastro when the sluices are open at both ends.They take their water tables seriously in Polokwane – and when they promise “ice cold water” they deliver “ice cold water”!Not quite Paris (but Polokwane also begins with a P).
Great East Marathon (Sat 6 Apr): Not on calendar
Hazyview, Mpu
Route Type
Typical Finishers
+/- 30
Race Description
I ran the inaugural event in 2019 when there were just 18 finishers and really enjoyed it. There are no major hills but there are constant undulations making this quite a difficult route (total elevation is 723m). The scenery is spectacular over this circular route in rural Mpumalanga on the doorstep of the Kruger National Park.
No major hills but plenty of undulations on this challenging, circular course.Were waiting for you!We received a warm welcome in the village of Kildare.TarvenWait for me. I stopped for a quick photo and was immediately in last place.CheaperHaircutThe best boiled cows head in town.MarshalsSpaza shopLonely road.A soccer field in the village of Ronaldsey – a typical scene in rural South Africa,No idea how the donkey with low-hanging fruit🍒features at the MadlelaTainMent CarwashCowsSome of the interesting sounding accommodation options I spotted along the route.Signing out from the Great East Marathon. Look out for the next race report from the Real Gijimas Ultra from Zwelitsane to Mdantsane.The finish line and Great East Athletics Club facilities.The end is in sight.
This is one of only two ultras in Gauteng and is a low fuss, hassle-free Gauteng ultra that brands itself as “#THEQualifier for Comrades”. The race starts and finishes in the local agricultural grounds with the meat of the race run through the Irene and Midstream suburbs. The route has changed to a 3 x 16 km lapper to ensure the safety of the runners and has plenty of long, straight stretches for easy running.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
The start is 50km (45mins) north of central Joburg with many access points but allow for race day traffic.
Flyer (where available)
Arthur Creswell Memorial 52k Ultra (Sun 7 Apr): Confirmed
The race offers 52 countryside kilometres through northern Kwazulu Natal with enthusiastic support tables organised by the local community. Remember your warm top for the icy start in Bergville and your suntan lotion once the sun comes up – it’s a long, hot slog to Ladysmith. Those who enjoy a challenge (and a good view) will appreciate the stretch from 12 to 18km up Child’s Hill – the highest point on the route. Luckily the organisers leave the rest of this hill’s family out of it as you drop and undulate all the way home. To keep you on your toes, there is a tricky dirt road section towards the end of the route. The Bergville ultra features as the cornerstone of many KZN runner’s Comrades training plans.
Enjoy 56 magnificent kilometres around the Cape Peninsula. The second largest ultra in the world and my own personal favourite (I’m looking forward to my 19th voyage in 2023). After a flat first half through Cape Town’s southern suburbs and alongside the Indian Ocean, you get to climb one of the most beautiful passes in the world, Chapman’s Peak Drive. A drop into Hout Bay gets you to the marathon mark and this is followed by 4km of extreme nastiness called Constantia Nek. The last 10km are mainly downhill with a few bumps along the way until you reach the best finish straight in the country at the University of Cape Town.
Fly to Cape Town; 20km drive from the airport to Newlands.
Flyer (where available)
If you play it fast and loose over the first half of your date with Two Oceans, you’ll get to see her nasty side during the second.Palm tress line the street as runners head through Bergvliet.Who says you never see w(h)ales on the Indian Ocean side of Cape Town?Priceless views on Chappies.At the top a Cape Minstrel band celebrates your achievement. Can you still call it a garage band if there’s only one of you? This guy plays for us every year. Not sure what happened to the other half of the duo this year – perhaps an acrimonious split over where to store the lawnmower?Constantia Nek is a brutal 215m climb from 42-46km but at the top you get an ice-lolly to make you jolly again! Thanks Ola!A lovely downhill towards Kirstenbosch.Rondebosch Boys High School organises the last support table. 25 years ago I was handing out Cokes to runners. Rustenburg also assist at the table (they beat out Herschel & Bishops as the girls’ school to help the Bosch Boys out).If you can’t wait until the finish for a beer just find a friend at the side of the road. I was thirsty and Shawn popped up at the right time!Business class registration and complimentary confectionery for Blue Number Club members.Race day logistics are easy – including the bag drop.A proud moment handing down permanent number 704 from father to son. The lady is Frith van der Merwe, probably the best ultra runner South Africa has produced. In 1989 she set the record for Two Oceans and the Comrades down run – both of which still stand.blahI met Ntsako at the Potties Marathon (he’s one of the organisers). He took a few photos of me there – and I was able to return the favour!One of the water refill stations for self-sustaining runners.The finest finish straight in the country.
From the organisers, “Tshwane North Ultra (TNU) is a new initiative to host an official 50km and 21km road running event aiming at the streets of North of Tshwane on the vicinity of the Magalies Mountains. It passes through the beautiful landmarks of Pretoria North and West as it creates a circular map of the northern and southern Magaliesberg mountain range via Hornsnek road starting at Akasia Community Hall and going down to the bottom of Wonderboom and coming back to the finish via Berg Avenue. This initiative which is being put together as a collaborative effort between Atteridgeville Athletics Club, Addicted to Life Multisports & Lifestyle Club and Madoko Athletics Club was borne out of the need to support both elites and social runners in the Tshwane North area.”
With over 3,500 finishers this is one of South Africa’s biggest, a 50km point-to-point route from Middelburg to the Loskop Dam on closed roads. With the start 1,500m above sea-level and the finish 1,000m, it’s a fast, downhill route – but there are some tricky sections: there is a gradual climb to 1,600m all the way to the half marathon mark and two nasty hills on the second half (Bugger’s and Varaday’s) will give you something to talk about while you cool you legs in the Forever Resort pool at the finish. The excellent support tables and organisation make Loskop a pleasure to run – and for those wanting to prep for the Comrades “down” run, this route is a perfect replica of what you can expect to face in June. And for the regulars there is a chance to shake the hand of an Olympic Marathon gold medallist – if you complete 10 Loskops, Josiah Thugwane is usually on duty to hand them out (he still holds the men’s record 2:44:03).
The thick mist engulfed us for most of the climb to the post office tower.Runners disappear into the think mist on the outskirts of Middelburg.Although the route was void of “Grillers in the Mist”, these “Grillers in the Sunshine” were doing great work.A bag sign when you are 10km into a 50km race to the Loskop DamPlenty of enthusiastic crowd support as we ran through Doornkop. Luckily Meyerton runners who are prone to carrying out parkrun stonings), Mel Franken and Danie Dosman, left their rocks at home.Great balls of stainless steel at the Columbus table and this year’s edition of the collectable tossing coin.The support tables are always a highlight and go all-out to make the race a memorable one.The view of the Loskop Dam from the top of Varadays Hill. This photo took a long time to take.Great Scott! Found a DeLorean at the Columbus Steel table. Good thing no one called me chicken!Looking forward to a nice long walking lunch up Varadays Hill after stocking up on supplies from the Mr. Clean table little did I know things were about to get messy – or should I say Massey)Engage lowest gear or risk faceplanting into a cliff face.the top of Buggers Hill – scant warning of what is to come.There are a few tough uphills at the Loskop Marathon but it’s the plummet down Kranspoort that hurts the most. Luckily there is a sand trap to slow down overzealous runners.How to pass the time while your winning wife has her urine tested?
David and Neil make the most of weighing less than a supermodel, sharing a moment and a cocktail), on a recliner during their show-off run.Proud to receive permanent #1579 from Olympic Gold Marathoner Josia Thugwane after 10 Loskop 50km finishesDanie Bosman relaxes like a Bossman while Roland du Plessis was upset he could not do as he pleases when the security guards told he couldnt take his beer into the pool.The two kilometre downhill finish continues all the way into the Adventura Resort.
The route is a fast and flat double-lapper through Northmead, Rynfield and the beautiful Ebotse golf estate (for those who got their fill of Benoni earlier in the year at Johnson Crane, this route is completely different). There’s plenty of shade along the way making this an ideal route to test your legs and improve your seeding before Comrades. This year there is just a standard marathon and no ultra option.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
The start is 40km (30mins) east of central Joburg with many access points but allow for race day traffic.
Flyer (where available)
Rising Sun Chatsworth Freedom 52k Ultra (Sun 21 Apr): Confirmed
Only the rash and reckless walk the streets of Chatsworth – but only the incredibly brave run 52km around her streets. This is a race that earns you serious street cred. The Chatsworth Freedom Ultra was started to commemorate the end of apartheid and dawn of democracy in South Africa – and has been going strong ever since. You get to cover almost every street in Chatsworth as you wind and grind up and down their undulating terrain. With long stretches along the Higginson Highway, this is a route that tests your mind and well as your legs – making this an ideal Comrades preparation run (Stephen Muzhingi has won the race twice and followed both victories up with a Comrades triumph). The route is something between circular and a double-lapper as there are several repeat sections. The highlight of the route comes towards the end – four shaded, scenic kilometres through the Silverglen Nature Reserve.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
600km (6h) drive or 1h flight to Durban and 55km drive from King Shaka Airport.
If this is not on your bucket list add it now. A superb small field marathon in the heart of the Garden Route. The route combines trail, tar and dirt road as you navigate the ancient roads cut into the Tsitsikamma forest between George and Wilderness. Expect hills, dams, lakes, lagoons, stunning sea views and indigenous forests.
1,200km (12h) drive or 2h flight to George (R1,000 – R3,000 return).
Flyer (where available)
RawsonTwo cub scouts earn their ‘Marathon Supporters’ badge while Baden-Powell invigilates.Enjoying the gentle downhill into Wilderness.The other side of the Kaaimans River.The home straight along the Touws River.About to spend some quality time with my Darling.
Point to point route that doubles as the SA champs.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
600km (6h) drive or 1h flight to Durban and 35km drive from King Shaka Airport.
Flyer (where available)
Sedibeng Marathon (Sun 29 Apr): Cancelled
Vereeniging, Gau
Route Type
Typical Finishers
+/- 500
Race Description
Running a marathon in the Vaal Triangle for the views is like watching a porno for the storyline. This is a flat, single lap course amongst steel smelting plants, petro-chemical factories, coal fired power stations and electricity pylons. Vereeniging is all smoke and no mirrors but it does have its own charm – and I enjoyed running the inaugural event in 2019 and expect I’ll be back for more.
A flat circular route around the Vaal Triangle.Sedibeng Marathon route mp and profile (Credit: Mark Hadlow).Although some water and Coke Bermuded, there were some great tables along the way like this one from the East Bound Cru.A combiation of steel smelting, petro-chemical manufacture, coal fired power stations and other heavy industries make the air quality in the Vaal Triangle one of the worst in the country.The race organisers could have benefitted from Rand Waters analysical services.Rand Water has by far the most beautiful building on the route.Doof-doof treffers are the music of choice in the Vaal Triangle. They even preserve the beats in a special Teknorama Museum.I was curious as to what a Teknorama was.Just how tired was I at the end of the race? Four can exhausted!Alberton runner, Philip du Plessis, checks whether its time to stop for a quick smoke break. The Vaal Triangle is all smoke and no mirrors.Signing out from the Sedibeng Marathon.Pit stop peril at the end of the marathon.When car theft is at an all-time high, you need counter-measures that rise above crime’s clutches. The ingenuity of anti-theft solutions in the Vaal Triangle is unsurpassed (although it looks like the tsotsis still got the tyres).Fact: The 4:30 bus during Sedibeng Marathon (in picture) produced more power than the combined outputs of the Medupi & Kusile Power Plants.These highway flyover bridges are the most beautiful features to look at over the second half of the race.After a long year of running, I was looking through tyred eyes.
“The Wally” is named after the legendary Wally Hayward who won five Comrades from five attempts (1930, 50, 51, 53, 54) before returning as a 79-year old in 1998 (finishing in 9h44) and 1999 (10h50 and the oldest ever finisher). This is one of the most festive races on the calendar as Gauteng runners flock to Centurion to do some roadwork on Workers’ Day The two-lap route starts with some gentle climbs through leafy suburbs and finishes with easy downhills on wide open roads. As race sponsor, MiWay pull out all the stops to make this a memorable run.
A two-lap tour of Centurion’s finest highways. A couple of pulls but no real hills along the way.Biting off more than you can chew at the support tables.Replace a hubcap or buy some bling for Loftus).The sun rises as the final curtain fall on hopeful Comrades qualifiers.Run and deliver.Signing Out from the MiWay Wally Hayward Marathon. Look out for the next report from the Dorothy Nyembe Marathon in Dundee.And now the end really is very near. Three of the 1,850 runners who finished ahead of me.The new route and profile for the 2023 MiWay Wally Hayward Marathon – the last 11km of bother laps are a gentle downhill.
Buffalo City Marathon (Wed 1 May): Confirmed
Berlin-East London, EC
Route Type
Typical Finishers
Race Description
Point to point Marathon on the R102, adjacent to the N2 from Berlin to East London, Eastern Cape. Passes through three Buffalo City towns: Berlin, Mdatsane and finishes in East London.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
1,000km (10h) drive or 1h30 flight to East London (R1,000 – R2,000 return) and 50km (1h) drive.
A point-to-point route from Kleinmond to Gordon’s Bay that hugs the Cape coastline along the R44 Claren’s Drive route. An ideal last long run before Comrades – and a great alternative for a Cape ultra for those not lucky enough to get a Two Oceans ballot entry.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
2h flight to Cape Town and 100km (1h20m) drive from the airport to Kleinmond.
Flyer (where available)
Prince Mangosuthu 52k Ultra (Sun 5 May): Confirmed
A point-to-point ultra from Nqutu to Dundee in northern KZN. The first 18 kilometres are an easy downhill that drops one from around 1,400m to below 1,100m. This lulls one into a false sense of security until you hit the bottom of the Buffalo River Valley. From that point onward it’s hard work, with plenty of climbing as you bob up and down all the way to Dundee.
Route profile and map.Pitch blackness at the scheduled 6am start.Enough light to run by at 7am.Dead last and getting laster – the sweeper car rode on oblivious to my plight.After 49km, I was less energetic than the support crew. Dundee (and the finish line) is in the background. A nice change from the last marathon in Dundee (Dorothy Nyembe 3 weeks previously) which didn’t even have tables (or humans) at the water ‘tables’ (insert).Although my concerns about sustenance along the way proved unfounded, there did appear to be another danger along the route – low-flying wildebeest!Some of the markers counted down, others counted up. This was 16km to go.The lowest point of the route is at 18km when you cross the Buffalo River. Its hard from there to Dundee.Lots of long road and lonely running.After Local Nqutu runner, Phumowakhe Buthelezi, ran the #PrinceMangosuthuUltra in traditional Zulu headgear.
Not sure if he’s any relation to Prince🥭 but he made sure his energy drinks matched his outfit!
Nzhelele Valley Tayron Tshitaudzi Memorial Marathon (Sat 18 May): Confirmed
The route starts with a picturesque ten kilometre out-and-back along the R36 from the Merensky School. Once back at the school, the remaining 32 kilometres are essentially a big loop around the Tzaneen Dam. The route is described by locals as being “Relatively flat.” However, this is term that must be heard with caution in this part of the world where you can rise and fall between the Lowveld and the Highveld during a parkrun. The Wolfpack Marathon is relatively flat compared to the other marathons in the area in the same way that Scarlett Johansson is relatively flat when compared with Dolly Parton.
An out-an-back 10k followed by a big loop around the Tzaneen Dam.According to locals the Warriors Wolfpack Marathon route is “relatively flat”. This is true for Tzaneen marathons in the same way that Scarlett Johansson is “relatively flat” when compared to Dolly Parton.The new normal for marathon running: Temperature (but no sanity) checks at registration & social distancing at the start. But once the gun fires it’s all back to business as usual.Signing out from the Warriors Wolfpack Marathon.Some happy runners at the end of the #WarriorsWolfpackMarathon with organiser Tracey “The Queen of Tzaneen” van den Dool – who pulled together the first real post-Covid, South African🇿🇦 marathon (in under 5 weeks)!
Marathon #242 for me, #371 for Tobie Reyneke & #820 for King Julian.
600km (6h) drive or 1h flight to Durban and 35km drive from King Shaka Airport.
Flyer (where available)
Just a marathon to go. It’s doesn’t matter how much training you’ve done, you’re hurting at this points. This is when psychologically your mind starts playing games with you. It just seems unbelievably long and far to get to the finish. And that is where most people pull out of Comrades.Are you rewarding yourself for getting to the start line?Enjoying a beer at the last Fourways support table in Camperdown at the Comrades 2019 Up run.The light at the end of the tunnel is the intention for all 2020 entrants to receive preferential, discounted entry fees if possible.Managed to get a photo with an old windbag as well as a piper from the SA Legion along the Comrades Wall of Honour.Hollywood Bets do a great job of the halfway mark table at Comrades. Thankfully they don’t offer spread-betting on finish times (if they ever do, my tip is to go long – very long – on my time).A bit of finish line fun at Comrades. Amazing how 90km of pain disappears the second you enter the stadium.While taking the first photo above, I got chirped by the announcers, Gordon Graham and Arnold Geerdts, so I invited them to join me for a photo!The contrast between the two schools provides a good metaphor for the differences in South African society – but it also highlights the inclusivity of road running. I find both these sections to be route highlights: The emotional cheering going past the Ethembeni School (just before the marathon mark in Inchanga) is really humbling (and one gets a power-up with every enthusiastic high-five received from the kids) whereas the fervent cheerleading at Kearsney College gives one a real boost before hitting the final 30kms.Another Comrades sunrise.This photographic genius managed to make uphills looks like downs (notice everyone is walking). I need to find him to do a virtual reality shoot before the Up run next year.Managed to get a photo with an old windbag as well as a piper from the SA Legion along the Comrades Wall of Honour.If you forgot your gloves and discarded your warm top too early at Comrades, you can have a quick warm up by an open fire. I expect that some serious braaiing occurred here shortly afterwards!Xolani Luvuno was given special dispensation by the CMA to start five hours earlier than the rest of us. His story is an amazing one – he’s a former convict and recovering drug addict who lost his leg to cancer. A good Samaritan, Hein Venter (the man he now calls ‘father’), found him living under a bridge and saved him from a life on the streets. The CMA gave Xolani 17 hours but he needed less than 16 to get to Durban. They say Comrades will humble you but Xolani Luvuno humbled all of us. There are many inspirational runners at Comrdades including blind runner Rethabile Taunyane and his pilot Moshe Ngobe.The lady who took this picture cut the “D” out of “Drummond”. She is either a raging alcoholic or strategic genius. Although Drummond is the Comrades halfway mark, the hills here bite the hardest.
Next year I will be imagining that Captain Morgan is standing at the top offering us all “Rummond Coke”. Thanks random supporter lady with limited photographic abilities!I normally spot my friend Adloph somewhere along the Comrades route – it’s easy to do so as he is one of the tallest runners in the field (as you can see in the photos).
This year it was at the 41km to go mark – it’s a great psychological boost knowing that there’s “less than a marathon to go now”!
For those who’ve never run Comrades, the marker boards count down and have a temperature gauge which “cool down” as you get closer to the finish.
My better half before running the half – Little did she know what she was in for!Going straight to the pool room!With the Running Mann hot on his heels, Claus didn’t have time to stop and wonder why the Blesbok crossed the road…The Entabeni Monolith Dominates the route.This doesn’t do justice to the steepness of the hill which is at a 43 degree angle at the steepest points.Well-stocked water tables out in the wild.Fresh lion spoor… fortunately heading in the opposite directionA personalised welcome home.Enjoying a leisurely pace through the Big 5 game reserve.
The Garden Route is without doubt one of the most beautiful places in the world and this is one of the best marathons in the country. Go deep into the indigenous Knysna Forest, conquer some massive hills and shatter you quads on the crushing downhills before a flat finish around the lagoon.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
1,250km (12h) drive or 2h flight to George (R1,000 – R3,000 return) and 70km (1h) drive.
Flyer (where available)
Cape Town Festival 100k Ultra (Sat 13 Jul): Confirmed
“From the start the on the Sea Point Promenade, runners are treated to beautiful coastal views as they make their way towards the Sea Point Swimming Pool, then looping back towards the Lighthouse, where they turn to complete the loop at the Promenade.”
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
Fly to Cape Town; 20km drive from the airport to the Waterfront.
From the race website, “The Icon’s Journey Marathon vision was inspired by President Nelson Mandela’s journey of growing up in the rural villages of the former Transkei homeland to becoming a Global Icon. In the physical event participants in South Africa’s longest 1 day running event have a unique opportunity to trace Madiba’s footprints from where he was born, grew up, went to school and is laid to rest. A unique heritage and tourism route where participants have an opportunity to also touch the birth places of some of South Africa’s Iconic freedom fighters namely Chris Hani, Walter Sisulu, Dr. A.B Xuma, Mama Albertina Sisulu, King Sabata Dalindyebo and General Bantu Holomisa.”
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
Expensive flight into Mthatha or Fly to East London & 230km (3h15) drive to Mthatha
A new out-and-back marathon along the East London coastline. The race starts at the Gearge Randell High School and proceeds onto Settlers Way, which eventually becomes the R72, heading towards Kidds Beach. The turnaround point is before the steep downhill leading to the Kidds Beach turnoff where the promises to be a good vibe with local sponsor Blue-Corp arranging a DJ station at the halfway mark.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
1,000km (10h) drive or 1h30 flight to East London (R1,000 – R2,000 return) and 50km (1h) drive.
Flyer (where available)
Amathole Marathon (Sun 4 Aug): Cancelled
Stutterheim-King Williams Town, EC
Route Type
Typical Finishers
+/- 300
Race Description
After departing Stutterheim there are 24km hilly kilometres before enjoying many downhills (and a few undulations) to the finish in King William’s Town. This is the second oldest marathon in South Africa.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
Fly to East London; 100km (1h15) drive to Stutterheim
A lowkey 51.2km race from Memel (the coldest town in the Free State) to Newcastle in Kwazulu Natal. The race is run along the along the historic Battlefields Route and provides breath-taking views once the early morning fog lifts. Expect great support tables and plenty of small-town hospitality along the way. Although the race starts over 1,700m above sea level and finishes around 1,200m, there is by no means an ‘easy ultra’. There are plenty of climbs along the way – and you’ll warm up quickly from your sub-zero start with a 17km climb to Botha’s Pass before dropping into Kwazulu Natal.
A cold start.VisibilityOne way to keep warm on a bitterly cold morning.The most precise distance markers in the country can be found on the road to Newcastle during the Blood Buddy Ultra: 27.72km down & 23.48km to go. This is what happens when you put the Amajuba High School maths department in charge of course measurement!Ever wondered what happens to all the front teeth that go missing in Cape Town? The tooth fairy pieces them together and gives them to the Newcastle Mall bunnies.
Support tables at Blood Buddy Ultra were brilliant. No passion gaps over the 52km from Memel to Newcastle.I got a traffic cop to take this photo – he made sure he got my race number plate but missed the big picture!The clouds lifted for a brief moment whilst descending Bothas Pass.Crossing the border.
The race starts and finishes at the PPC Cement Factory to the contrasting backdrop of Dickensian industrial machinery and pristine vineyards. The race explores the local towns of Riebeek Wes and Riebeek Kasteel – two of the oldest in the country. All the while one admires the unspoilt mountains in the distance before getting more closely acquainted with the Kasteelberg, Porseleinberg and Bothmaskloofpas over the second two thirds of the race (the latter two providing monster climbs that give the Bergmarathon its name). Once into the countryside, the views are stunning. This is a course that liberally dishes out the rewards to her diligent runners and the wonderful vista of the Riebeek Valley from the top of the Bothmaskloofpas is worth the entry fee alone.
Fly to Cape Town; 100km drive from the airport to Riebeek Wes/Kasteel.
Flyer (where available)
The Riebeek Valley is a short drive from Cape Town (Image from supplied.BrianThe Riebeek Bergmarathon starts and finishes at the PPC Cement Factory. Whilst the factory itself is very Dickensonian, the beautiful grounds include a working vineyard and have historical significance as the birthplace of Jan Smuts.The look you make when you’re wearing the race sponsors kit and get caught walking: PPC Ltd make cement and these guys all had cement legs going up one of the big climbs at the Riebeeck Bergmarathon. Once at top of Bothmaskloofpas, the view over the Riebeek Valley is fantastic.Allesverloren is probably the best know winery in the area. The translates as “All is Lost and was named in 1704 after the widow Cloete returned from a church trip in Stellenbosch to find her home burnt to the ground.Cooking traditional Cape Malay “smoor” in a potjie on top of the Riebeekberg during the marathon. Unfortunately I ran too fast and it was not yet ready for tasting (they promised to start cooking 30 minutes earlier next year).
It was bitterly cold on top of the mountain so I enjoyed the open fires. The Red Cross lady is drinking ginger (as opposed to real) beer or I would have feigned a medical emergency to get some.
Your chance to run a marathon in the Karoo Desert. This is a flat, out-and-back route that starts and finishes on Karoo National Park. One of the more difficult races to get to but it promises a fantastic experience once you are there.
Detailed Report
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How To Get There from Joburg?
950km (9h) drive south along the N1 or fly to Cape Town and 450km (4h) drive.
Flyer (where available)
Tony Viljoen Masters Marathon (Sun 1 Sep): Confirmed
Tony Viljoen Masters Marathon is pure, unadulterated marathon running erotica. Nothing but feathers, tender caresses and light tickles; A gentle frolic as you tenderly work your way down from an altitude of 600m to a sea-level climax. The route follows the N6 for 95% of the race and there is absolutely no kink at all until the 40km mark when you veer into the suburbs. This marathon is light petting, PG-rated first base action all the way. There are no quad crushing downhills – just a long, gradual, tantric drop to home base (and a very soft landing) at Feathers in Beacon Bay. There are a couple of minor uphills along the way but nothing that will leave any marks or bruises the next day. No safe words required. This is a race that treats you well, is guaranteed to leave you with a smile on your face and will respect you the next morning. I make this the easiest marathon in the country.
Fly to East London; 50km (45m) drive to Macleantown
Flyer (where available)
The late tony Viljoen watches over the finish line of the 2018 Masters Marathon. He’ll be watching the 2019 event from the grandstand in the sky (photo from race Facebook page).Marathon routes in East London follow a simple approach of driving 42.2km up the N6 and start