A Behavioural Science Experiment to get Leaders to Complete an Agile Maturity Assessment


When it comes to behavioural science, I am an enthusiastic amateur. I guess the same could be said for my marathon running infatuation which, although prolific with over 250 completed, is still firmly footed in the ‘recreational amateur’ category. My payslip reads ‘Agile Coach’ so I’d like to think that I’ve managed to breach the amateur category in my chosen career (but you might need to check with my colleagues to confirm whether I do indeed qualify as a professional). It’s not often that running, behavioural science and agile coaching intersect but recently they did, so I decided to use the opportunity to run an experiment and this is what happened. Continue reading “A Behavioural Science Experiment to get Leaders to Complete an Agile Maturity Assessment”


Announcement: Home IronMan Attempt


Link for live streaming from 6:45am GMT+2 (dive off @ 7am): https://www.facebook.com/runningmann100/live/

Despite not owning a bike or having swum lengths in 15 years I will be attempting a full Home IronMan on Saturday 4 April. At least I’ve got the marathon running thing covered!

The event will be live streamed (link to follow) and I plan to include some general Running Mann wackiness into the days proceedings (as stamina allows).

Full Details

Basic concept: Guy who runs a marathon every weekend attempts to do a ‘Home Ironman’ during coronavirus lockdown

Logistics: 3.86km swim (351 lengths of an 11m pool); 180.25km ride on an exercise bike; 42.2km run (325 laps of a 65m x 2 driveway)

Date: Saturday, 4 April, 7am to Late

Contact info: Stuart Mann / therunningmann@gmail.com Continue reading “Announcement: Home IronMan Attempt”
