This page will be used to provide live updates on the voting, motions and discussions from the 2024 Comrades Marathon Association Annual General Meeting due to start at 10am SAST. Refresh page for latest updates…
That’s over an out after an almost 8 hour AGM. I’ll write up a summary tomorrow.
Top five get two year terms, next two get a one year term. This is a great new Board!
Here’s the final results
Mark Leathers 278
Willie Mtolo 254
Mqondisi Ngcobo 240
Brenda Marolen 240
Carel Nolte 228
Rory Steyn 222
Alan Gray 207
Looks like a long queue to vote at the venue. This is going to take a while.
Sounds like I’ve got some more time. Let’s see who gets ready first Dalais with the results or my daughter for her party…
Got my votes in – need to take my youngest to a party now. Looking forward to seeing the results. Will post them here once back…
We’re waiting for Pink shirt guy to finish saying his bit again.
All members get 7 votes.
Online voting explanation now happening.
CV reading finished. Voting process being explained now.
Dalais says some members don’t have email and we’re heading into snooze town. Safe Silver in danger now 6h06 on the clock…
Alan David Gray proposes we forgo the CV reading (as members would already have seen them).
Dalais wants to read the CVS of all candidates.
All 14 nominees have signed the ‘honesty’ pledge as required from a motion passed at the August SGM.
Dalais is the chief election officer for Board elections.
The OWM behind the table are conferring.
Online members should not log out.
Dalais to explain voting process.
Board member elections happening shortly.
Seems like we won’t vote on this one. Clubs can decide for themselves.
We’re back to discussing the catering voting again now.
We are about to go to voting for Board members.
Yay for cheap beer at the finish!
Dalais no open fires or gas cylinders but clubs can bring own food and drinks to the finish next year.
8.5 Catering at the Finish Venue – allow clubs to bring their own refreshments under discussion.
Acting Judge Mark Futcher (? spelling) has been appointed.
Dalais, “CMA has appointed a law firm” specialising in labour, etc. law. Expect a report in 2 weeks time. Ongoing investigation into corruption and maladministration. Have been advised not to disclose preliminary findings. Investigators are completely independent with no ties to CMA Board or staff.
We are getting close to 6 hours Wally Hayward medal cutoff is looming…
8.4 is Update on investigations into allegations of misconduct
Online attendees asking why 8.3 was not voted on by the in person attendees. Minnaar “I don’t think it was necessary to vote on this issue.”
Possibly 10-15 minutes before Board voting occurs for those online voters who want to come back.
Minnaar asks Dalais to handle 8.4.
Minnaar bumbled badly through that.
Minnaar “You members you’ve read it. It was unfair.”
Cas Pretorius on the mike. Asks whether CMA is still considering or have they instituted legal proceedings as suggested at the press conference.
“I don’t know what more I can say about cyber bullying.”
Reading a definition from the internet now.
Current status is “We don’t know.” talking about “Cyber state”.
Minnaar: “You’ve read all those articles. That was very very hurtful to the staff. I cannot give you details on any of the perpetrators.”
We’re onto cyber bullying… popcorn ready…
Motion 8.2 That no actively serving Board Member may simultaneously hold a portfolio position on the Race Organising Committee (ROC): Passed. Support 178 / Against 21 / Abstains 9. Motion Carried.
A member remind the interim Chair that this is a simple majority vote, not a 2/3rds constitutional change.
Voting finally underway.
Minnaar is now being educated by members on how to run his AGM.
This is carrying on, The Board members who have infiltrated the operational aspects are fighting against the change.
Chris Bent from the ROC talking sense. Pointing out the conflict of interest if Board members are on the ROC when they are the “boss” of the ROM.
Camera not showing whose speaking but sound like pink shirt guy again.
Norrie Williamson pointing out that international protocol is that Board members do not get involved in day to day activities.
Celi Makhoba (unsurprisingly against this). Not sure he actually knows what under discussion here as his point does not make sense. He’s suggesting it’s the same as the Board term limit (which it is not).
8.2 That no actively serving Board Member may simultaneously hold a portfolio position on the Race Organising Committee (ROC) now under discussion.
8.1 Using local manufacturers for clothing up for discussion. Minnaar just says that people can propose ideas and they’ll “chat to the suppliers”. Does not exactly instill confidence.
Motion 7.4 Merge Life Membership and Honours – Just have Honours with Life Membership: Passed. Support 305 / Against 9 / Abstains 33. Change passed.
We’ve gone down from 427 voters on the first motion to 310 . Attrition is taking it’s toll.
This should be a very simple approval I expect.
Straight into voting without discussion again.
7.4 Merge Life Membership and Honours – Just have Honours with Life Membership introduced by Cheryl Winn.
Motion 7.3 To make the KZNA and ASA Board seats non-voting: Passed. Support 268 / Against 32 / Abstains 10. Change passed.
Mikes are on it sounds like it will carry.
No further discussion. Straight into voting. Can’t see the floor so no idea how the voting is going.
Mark Leathers introducing the motion. Says that whilst it’s important that KZNA have a voice but they should not interfere in the running of the event and members rights. This is to ensure that there is no outside political interference. Highlights the well-publicised high court interdict would not have happened (and saved a lot of money if this was the case).
7.3 Motion to make the KZNA and ASA Board seats non-voting.
Motion 7.2 To limit the total term of a Board member to 8 years: Not Passed. For 191 / Against 134 / Abstains 9. Status quo remains.
Votes are being counted.
Based on the “For” hands in the hall it doesn’t look like this one will pass.
Cowling using the “first time online” as an excuse for the issues. Maybe they should have got someone who understands and facilitates normal online and hybrid meetings in corporates to exist.
Norrie Williamson asking for a point of order and decorum – basically saying the Chair is not doing his job.
Paul Selby, sporting a hair style like Boris Johnson, arguing that competent people should not be removed and that the normal voting process would sort things out.
Brenda Marolen points out that if passed it will result in some of the nominees to the Board having to stand down (I think Mqondisi Ngcobo has 8 years of service). It would also mean that Isaac Ngwenya would need to step down.
We’re not discussing the motion to limit the Board term to a maximum of 8 years.
Have just received delivery of pizza and beer. Updates might slow down for a bit – don’t want to get the keyboard greasy.
Motion 7.1.2: Not passed . For 183 / Against 120 / Abstains 31. Status quo remains (KZNA and ASA keep their Board seats.
We await the results of 7.1.2
Looks like the in person voting will start again soon.
Online attendees get to vote on everything at once.
More deliberations. The way interim Board have constructed the agenda is causing a lot of confusion.
We still haven’t restarted. Jeff Minnaar was talking and singing not realising his mike is on. The karaoke at my home is better.
Other news from KZN is that the Proteas have won the first test against Sri Lanka by 233 runs.
Online voting opens but still not working.
There’s a problem with the online voting so taking a 10 minutes break. Time to empty the colostomy bag…
Seems to be more confusion about what is being voted on. Dalais and Cowling in disagreement behind the table and have left the mike on… They are still arguing while voting is going on.
I wrote this in the questions. Richard Ainslie? makes the same point, “Should the 2/3rd not be based on the number of people actually voting on each motion, ie if 300 people votes then 2/3rd would require 200 For votes to pass.”
Bit of discussion about in person voting by people who also registered online. Wrist bands provided to in person attendees to prevent double voting.
Motion 7.1.1: Not passed as 284 For votes not obtained. 224 / 427 in favour (52%).
A delay now as there appears to be some struggle with getting the online votes.
I should just point out that I have my daughter’s 16th birthday party happening right now. It is a karaoke party and listening to some very bad Mariah Carey Christmas covers is easier listening than much of the AGM…
If KZNA and ASA get kicked completely off the CMA Board, KZNA President Steve Mkasi needs to shoulder the blame. His ‘locals only’ edict and subsequent actions / attempted coup have brought this about.
Far fewer votes in the room against the motion.
Online voting open now.
Looks like many in the room are for the motion but not sure if it’s 2/3rds. Online voting still to occur.
Advocate Cas Pretorius says he disagrees with Winn’s views and that KZNA has actively acted against the CMA members.
Carel Notle supporting Leathers’ views and admonishing the interim Board for not doing their jobs in properly preparing for the AGM.
Norrie Williamson also complaining about how people are being acknowledged (or not) and given a chance to speak. He provides international context like London Marathon where the federation has a voice to guide and lead but are not there to interfere. Feels that getting rid of ASA / KZNA would be a mistake but they should not be allowed to interfere or ‘organise an event’.
Some complaints from the back of the room that they’ve been raising hands but have not been acknowledged.
Celi Makhoba worried that members are being misled and asks for “affiliation” relationship be clarified.
Mark Leathers points out that there is an alignment between 7.1 and 7.3 (which just removes voting rights for KZNA and ASA) and that 7.3 is read out to members. Also says that these are simple yes or no votes and discussion should be limited.
12:42 Dalais reading out the full original motivation. That took a while – James put some thought into that.
Cheryl Winn pointing out that it’s more about a conflict of interest and how this is handled. Uses Patrice Motsepe being on CAF Board and owning Sundowns as an example. She is against the motion. Also uses the logic that someone can be on their club board and the CMA board.
Motion to “Remove the KZNA and ASA Board positions” is up for discussion and voting. Also specifies that no ASA or KZNA Board member can be on the CMA Board. Now under discussion. The motion was proposed by Rowyn James (who is not in attendance).
Looks like we are going ahead with voting.
Point made that online attendance is like pre-registration.
Pink shirt guy on the mike again. Talking about a lack of standard operating procedure for online attendance. Seems to be proposing that only Board member voting is done and nothing else. I think he’s getting close to the 3 minute mark now… 3 minutes passed a long time ago.
Mark Leathers making good sense again. Points out that online people might lose connection and sign back in again just like an in person attendee might go for a smoke break and then come back.
Cowling is proposing that the meeting proceeds on the basis that those currently in attendance online and in person can vote.
Mkasi points out that some people were not allowed to vote at the SGM (which is true).
Unclear that anyone was actually turned away at the door.
Confusion reigns behind the table of big wigs.
Carel Nolte asks who gave the instruction to turn people away at the door? Minnaar off mike and talking to the other behind the table.
Cheryl Winn points out that at the AGM people were not turned away for arriving late but only because they were not valid members.
Mark Leathers points out that there is no time lock out for credentials in the constitution, therefore to restrict anyone from voting would be unconstitutional. Also points out what happens when people leave the meeting. Leathers refers to the a recent KZNA meeting which took 8 hours and had almost no one left at the end.
Lots of debate about technicalities at present.
Celi Makhoba now speaking. Not sure what his point is though. Seems to be supporting Steve Mkasi.
Other attendees including Cheryl Winn pointing out that there was an acknowledge problems with the system.
Steve Mkasi objects to online attendees who joined late being allowed to vote.
Two thirds required to change the constitution. Mike Cowling covering this section of the agenda.
Here the current constitution
12:00 Instructions being given on how to vote online. 253 online at present.
In person voting is done by show of hands. Online is through the platform.
10 IEC officials present to oversee in person voting process. They will ensure “voting is free and fair”.
11:55 Financials are adopted.
Question being asked about the incredibly high fee for international runners (R4500 vs R1200). Burnard says that is ‘tradition’ – it is actually not, the change was introduced about 10 years or so ago I think. I can remember when there was one entry fee for all.
Pink shirt guy taking up time again…
Grahame Gertsch admonishes the Board for not providing the financials ahead of the meeting (they should have been sent 3 weeks ago). He says he will have to abstain from adoption on that basis.
Burnard after forgetting the question – “I’m getting old – maybe I should be here.” Not at all an encouraging statement for someone who is standing for the Board.
Cheryl Winn points out that CMA has been going through austerity measures after Covid.
Mike Edgecumbe (Howick AC Chair) asks the new Board to look at reducing entry fees based on the huge profits made, “Let’s give it back to the runners”. Fully agree with Mike.
David Ashworth notes that the responsibility for presenting the financials sits with Board and not the auditors. This is acknowledged (earlier Burnard appeared to blame the auditors).
Here are the documents in the online meeting room – no financials which is very poor (and perhaps deliberate).
Lots of complaints and frustrations about not having the financials “in front of us” while they are being presented. There are lots of documents on the online meeting room but the financials are not one of them. Bizarre.
John Hamlett asking about “glam innovations” and about the 60% increase in costs.
Answer: Burnard confirms that there is a budget in place and the 2025 budget has been approved at a Board level. Says that there are checks and balances in place if budgets are exceeded.
Question about the “spiraling costs” and whether there are budgets in place.
Does not look like anyone will be doing Black Friday shopping today as promised by Minnaar. I am expecting we’ll go late into the day…
11:34 Burnard is done and it’s time for questions on the financials.
Apparently about 50 community marshals in the hall (much less than in previous years).
However, also suggested (tongue in cheek) on WhatsApp that Ngwenya does not want any questions about “expenses”.
John Hamlett (elite athlete coach) asks a question and raises concerns about how much the expenses are increasing and that it’s been spent on “functions and jazz”. Then a point of order is called by Isaac Ngwenya to allow the financial presentations to finish before questions. Might be the first time I agree with Ngwenya.
256 online attendees now.
Wall of Honour repairs cost “quite a lot of money” – I have been told R4 million which seems very high. Maintenance on Wall of Honour cost another R1.1 million. Those are some expensive bricks.
Burnard speaks with the eloquence and gravitas of an accountant. He’s still much more eloquent than the interim Chair.
Also means that Steve Mkasi and KZNA have spent well over the R200k (he claims R196k) and is clearly in violation of the KZNA constitution (which requires clubs to approve expenditure over R200k).
Massive increase in legal fees R400k. Largely due to CMA deciding to oppose (and subsequently withdraw) urgent high court ‘locals only’ interdict. What a waste on money by the CMA (both external and internal legal counsel advised them against this).
Burnard mentions two settlement in the increase in salaries. Allowing for 7% annual increase and that Ashworth received less than R200k settlement that means that Rowyn James’ golden handshake was around R1.5 to R1.8 million.
Massive increase in sponsorship income (largely due to the work of former ROM Ann Ashworth). No credit given by Burnard.
Surplus is now about R42 million (might be the highest ever – definitely well above pre-Covid levels).
11:05 Hard to follow talking through the financials – there’s a definite improvement opportunity to use PowerPoint.
Here’s the financials – diabolical that they were not sent to online members.
Mark Leathers has shared the financials on the WhatsApp group. I will upload here shortly.
10:58 Burnard now going through the financials Quite a few members upset that they were not distributed beforehand. They have printed copies available but could not email to members – just does not make any sense?
10:57 Minnaar reading off script again and going through the formalities.
10:52 234 members online now. Hopefully technical issues are sorted for everyone.
Brenda Marolen (standing for the Board) asks about the splitting of the ROM role into two (race director and operations manager). Minnaar replies that that will be for the new Board to decide. So Marolen may well get to decide. She is a very strong candidate for the Board.
One would have to say that it’s taken a long time for any action since the August SGM and the progress is far behind where it should be.
10:47 Minnaar giving an update on the recruiting of a new ROM. Reading off script. Expects it to be completed by February 2025 (not much time for the new ROM to have an impact on the 2025 event).
Just got word that the guy in the pink is “Steve Mkasi’s sidekick” and “waffle and delaying tactics” are suspected. He did talk a lot of nonsense to Mkasi appears to have trained him well.
10:43 2023 AGM Minutes finally approved. The start of the AGM has been quite painful.
10:40 This guy seems to have a problem with the catering agenda item as “it is operational”. Not sure the logic.
10:36 Les Burnard Finance chair says they asked the Auditors for the financials to be given three weeks in advance and apologises for this not happening.
10:34 Alan David Gray (who is up for election) asks why the financials were no sent to members before the meeting as this was agreed at the last AGM. He also asks for an update on the cheating agenda item from 2023 AGM as well.
For anyone still struggling to get into the LiveFeed online suggest changing browsers – Chrome seems to work best.
10:32 Acting ROM Alain Dalais asks everyone to keep all discussion points to 3 minutes or less. Might be a challenge for some…
195 in person and 190 online today. Massive drop off from the roughly 1000 who RSVPed.
10:27 We start with a moment of silence for those Comrades who’ve passed during the year.
10:25 Email just received with better instructions for online attendance:
If you are experiencing a problem logging into the meeting, please use the below links to access the relevant event.To access the zoom live AGM stream, resolution and motion votes please use the below link: it is time to access the CMA Board Elections, please use the below link: |
For those not seeing the LiveStream please join the WhatsApp group below. There is some advice and troubleshooting in the group.
10:15 There are 137 people online which is a lot lower than expected. There is a WhatsApp group for the AGM and some members appear to be struggling to get into the Live Stream. Jared William (CMA’s IT guru) has been made aware. We understand and urgent notification will be sent out.
10:10 Confirmed with in person attendees that community marshals do not currently appear to be in the hall “Possibly one minibus load” maximum. It is alleged that CMA Board member Isaac Ngwenya and others bought 210 CMA memberships for the community marshals and have used them to rig previous CMA elections. Details below.
READ MORE: How They Captured Comrades
10:05 Minnaar says we’ll be able to do Black Friday shopping by 12 noon but then announces that the AGM will be delayed for at least 15 minutes as there “is a major traffic jam in Pietermaritzburg.” Will check with those in the room if the community marshal busses are present or stuck in the traffic jam…
10:04 We’re underway. Interim CMA Chairperson Jeff Minnaar on the mike. He gives a special welcome to Steve Mkasi as well as former Chairs and Elders.
Live feed camera came on for a minutes and it looks like there’s a good crowd in person at the Carter High School, Multipurpose Centre in Pietermaritzburg. Over 400 people RSVPed for in person attendance. This will be by far the best attended CMA AGM ever.
9:45 We’re up to 55 online attendees. Over 500 people RSVPed for online attendance.
9:30 Already 33 people logged in online. I’ve just got back from a run so will return after a quick shower.
Follow Running Mann:
I’m logged and says connected but I have no live feed. Is this the same for everyone.
I can’t scan the code to join the whatsapp group – is there a link
Am not seeing live stream
page says no live stream attached to event frustrating
Thank you for the updates.
There is no live stream after logging in.
My dashboard as of 10:18am shows 41 members online. No live streams have popped up for me, I’ve been logged into the meeting since 9:45am.
Seems there are two events, one is the AGM and the other is board election.
wow, what poor feedback on the financials….when then can we expect sight of the financials.
I thought this was an agm not a resurrected Charlie Chaplin side show..