Summary: Three weeks ago interim CMA Chair Jeff Minnaar claimed that investigations into allegations of corruption, maladministration and incompetence against certain Board members and staff and were underway. However, key witnesses like former Chair Mqondisi Ngcobo and Race & Operations Manager Ann Ashworth have yet to be contacted. This raises serious questions about the legitimacy of the alleged investigations. The article also provides an unemotional list of the credible allegations against CMA Board members and staff.
One of the outcomes from the Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) Special General Meeting (SGM) held on 15 August was the passing of a resolution for the appointment of an independent committee to investigate the Community Marshals Portfolio, and to report its findings to the board, which report is to be published to members. Furthermore, it was agreed that the investigation was to be conducted by a retired judge.
Interim CMA Chair, Jeff Minnaar, has also gone to the press promising that all allegations would be properly and independently investigated. A Witness article, “Probes to get underway at the CMA” published 20 days ago on 8 October, reported that, “He [Minnaar] shared that the investigations have already begun, with the necessary resources being assembled.” The article further quoted Minnaar, “We are in the process of conducting three investigations as requested by the special general meeting. One will investigate allegations of fraud and corruption, which will be handled by retired auditors and accountants, led by a retired judge. Another investigation will be carried out by a private investigator to look into allegations against our staff and board members.”
Is there credibility to Minnaar ‘promise to probe’ or is this all bluster? Unlike the Comrades entry fee, talk is cheap. Transparently tackling longstanding issues of corruption, maladministration and ineptitude at Comrades House is certainly a tough ask for anyone to take on and the octogenarian Minnaar has yet to prove that he’s up to the task.

There has been a concern from various Comrades stakeholders that the interim (and largely unelected) CMA Board are stalling on the resolutions passed at the SGM and are still in bed with KZNA who, under the Presidency of Steve Mkasi (who is also a CMA Board member), have filed a court affidavit stating that August SGM was “unconstitutional and the resolutions taken at that meeting were unlawful and should be set aside.” Minnaar refused to answer my questions requesting clarification on the CMA’s current position with regards KZNA and whether the CMA supported or disagreed with Mkasi’s opinion that the SGM was invalid, “With regard to questions posed by you which relate to KZN Athletics, I hold no position at KZN Athletics and I am not in a position to answer questions which relate to KZN Athletics.”
I was able to obtain partial responses (over a month after sending) to some other questions I raised. However, I am assuming that my questions on the various investigations went unanswered under the following disclaimer, “Certain other information requested by you cannot be provided due to my legal and ethical duty of confidentiality.”
I did manage to get this statement from Minnaar, “I reiterate that I am committed to giving effect to resolutions that have been validly passed by members and ensuring the stability of the CMA. This includes initiating all necessary internal investigations.” However, if the interim CMA Board does agree with Mkasi’s pillow talk then there is an escape clause in the “resolutions that have been validly passed by members” statement.
I queried with Minnaar and co about how the investigations were being conducted and, “Are they well under way or still in their formative stages?” No response.
I pointed out that no one has tried to make contact with previous Race & Operations Manager (ROM) Ann Ashworth* or myself to date which either means that the investigations have not started or that they are just a smoke screen. Neither is a good scenario. No response.
* Subsequent to writing this article, I was informed that Ashworth would be contacted specifically for input into an investigation into the conduct of Delaine Cools. However, she has not been contacted by anyone at the time of writing this update (28 October 5pm).
The CMA has a long history of window dressing and sweeping issues under that carpet. I implored, “Should investigations conclude and exonerate implicated individuals without due process being followed that will naturally result in significant further negative press and publicity for the CMA which I would hope we all want to avoid.” No response.
I have also confirmed with former CMA Chair, Mqondisi Ngcobo, that he has not been contacted by anyone with regards to any investigations into CMA Board or staff members. If it looks like a rat and it smells like a rat…
I provided Minnaar with an unemotional bullet point list of credible accusations that have been levelled against two current Board members and one staff member with the additional observation, “I would expect that any credible independent investigation would cover all of these allegations (most of which can be easily proven).”
To this I only received the caution, “With regard to the document which you refer to as a ‘charge sheet’, in making a decision as to whether you publish such allegations I would recommend that you consider the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act and whether such a publication may amount to defamation. Such a publication may also potentially have a negative impact on investigations being conducted.”
I have been given the ‘all clear’ from my legal team that publishing the allegations in this format neither amounts to violating the oft cited but little understood POPI Act nor would it amount to defamation. I fail to see how this could potentially negatively affect any investigations that are allegedly being conducted. Therefore, the charge sheet containing all the allegations is available below. I doubt that any rational Comrades loving runner or supporter would deny that these need to be properly investigated.
Isaac Ngwenya (Board Member) – Charge Sheet of Allegations

- Used his position as the head of the Community Marshals portfolio to manipulate the AGM voting process for himself and other Board members.
- Used his position as the head of the Comrades Membership Committee to manipulate the AGM voting process for himself and other Board members.
- Over an extended period, has helped himself to various consumable products in Comrades House beyond reasonable use.
- Over an extended period, removed large quantities of beverages from Comrades House and placed them in his car to take away for personal use.
- Removed crockery from Comrades House for use at a private function.
- Frequently arrives at Comrades House without having official business ostensibly for the purpose of helping himself to food and drink on the premises.
- The nature and reasons for the termination of his employment from Transnet, reportedly after a disciplinary hearing, should be investigated.
- The nature and reasons for the termination of his CMA Board position circa 2013, reportedly after a drunken racist rant at the Spirit of Comrades Awards dinner, should be investigated.
- Was negligent in his role as head of the Risk and Disaster Management Portfolio in 2023 resulting in various race day safety issues, specifically the collapse of fencing along the start funnel and the congestion experienced at the bottleneck on Epworth Street.
- Made racially charged comments while volunteering at the Finish Venue build-up on Sunday, 2 June 2024, the purpose of which was to (a) undermine the authority of Finish Venue volunteers vis-à-vis volunteers of colour; and (b) to spread rumours and falsehoods that the ROM, Ann Ashworth, was trying to secure a whites-only CMA board.
- Failed to comply / act in accordance with a board resolution which required him to address the threats made against the ROM, Ann Ashworth, (physically and professionally) by Sihle Ngidi, the community marshal coordinator.
- Failed to comply / act in accordance with a board resolution which required him to meet with the local tribal chiefs to discuss a variation to the terms of payment to the community marshals as contemplated by the CMA’s Race Organising Committee (ROC) Procurement Procedures.
- Deliberately violated the CMA’s Race Organising Committee (ROC) Procurement Procedures to ensure that untraceable bulk cash payments were made to the community marshal coordinators instead of the required e-wallet (or similar) payments directly to community marshals.
- Frequently and continually flouted / ignored basic governance and the CMA’s own rules with regards the Community Marshals portfolio (e.g. failing to provide a named list of marshals who were present on race day despite frequent requests to do so from CMA Quality Control and others).
- Various other unethical practices relating to the Community Marshals portfolio.
Celinkosi Makhoba (Board Member) – Charge Sheet of Allegations

- Lacks the aptitude and ability to head the Race Advisory Committee (RAC).
- Over an extended period, has enforced bizarre interpretations of athletics rules resulting in controversy and disrepute to Comrades.
- Deliberately frustrated all attempts by ROM, Ann Ashworth, to identify and publish clear, measurable criteria for races to qualify (and apply for) recognition as an “official Comrades qualifier”.
- Refused to disqualify persons found to have submitted fraudulent qualifying times for the 2023 and 2024 Comrades Marathon (his disciplinary recommendation being limited to their name being omitted from the official race results).
- As head of the Race Advisory Committee (RAC) responsible for advising on technical matters including the various cut-off times, was at least partially responsible for the 2023 cutoff debacle that cost hundreds of Comrades runners their medals.
- As head of the Race Advisory Committee (RAC) he would have been responsible for over 100 legitimate finishers being cut off at the Mkondeni cutoff were it not for an intervention by the CMA Chairperson.
- Arrives for various (possibly all) CMA related meetings without having read the minutes or doing the required preparation.
- Frequently leaves ROC meetings at which his attendance is required early and without having provided any report back regarding his portfolio, namely CMA Protocol.
- Refused to provide the ROM, Ann Ashworth (or the CMA office), with a complete list of all VVIP guests for purposes of catering and formal invitations.
- Was responsible for the failed doping procedures at Comrades 2012 resulting in the positive A and B tests of men’s winner Ludwick Mamabolo being overturned.
- Attempted to solicit a bribe from Ludwick Mamabolo after the initial positive drug test result.
- The nature and reasons for his suspension from KZNA in 2012 for alleged fraud and making ghost payments to friends and family at events where he was a technical official should be investigated, as well as the whether the process to clear him was valid.
Delaine Cools (Communications and Marketing Manager) – Charge Sheet of Allegations

- Published the 2024 media guide with a huge number of obvious and basic errors.
- Published the official 2024 race magazine with a huge number of obvious and basic errors.
- Refused to take direction from the ROM, Ann Ashworth, on requested improvements to the media guide.
- Refused or ignored requests by the ROM, Ann Ashworth, to include sponsor call outs in the media guide.
- Deliberately ignored feedback from the assigned proofreader, Brian Jarmey-Swan, and knowingly went to print with errors (and knowingly misled him into thinking that she was still waiting for his edits, and had waited for such edits prior to sending the documentation to the printers).
- Deliberately or negligently included the incorrect finish area map in the souvenir magazine resulting in severe congestion and potential safety issues.
- Failed to set up the media centre in Scottsville for Comrades race day (such that members of the media had to use personal 3G connections to get the live SuperSport race feed and follow the race on a laptop).
- Publicly shouted at race volunteer and Finish Venue coordinator Tonya Swiegers at the Comrades finish.
- Bullied a security guard into letting unauthorised media, her friends and family into the media gantry.
- Bullied a security guard into allowing media access to the finish area (which was to be limited to only a handful of invited guests) and deliberately ignored ROM Ann Ashworth’s express instruction that no media were to be allowed immediately behind the finish line (in line with World Athletics rules).
- Ignored two direct instructions from the ROM, Ann Ashworth, regarding the omission of non-media guests from the CMA’s list of “accredited media”.
- Ignored a direct instruction from the ROM, Ann Ashworth, to include Norrie Williamson on the CMA’s list of “accredited media”.
- Ignored a direct instruction from the ROM, Ann Ashworth, to sensitively investigate whether the EXPO was short supplied with goodie bags resulting in the Registration Desk running out on Saturday, 8 June.
- Has repeatedly made derogatory comments about other members of the CMA staff to sponsors, partners and suppliers.
- Produced repeated CMA newsletters and media releases of an exceptionally poor quality, requiring significant edits (and occasionally a complete rewrite) by the ROM, Ann Ashworth. The specific newsletters and media releases concerned are identified within the attached Disciplinary Action instituted by the ROM, Ann Ashworth, before her departure (which seems never to have been acted upon).
- Deliberately dragged her feet in drafting and publishing urgent media releases specifically requested by the CMA Chairperson and the ROM, Ann Ashworth.
- Has failed to effectively reply to correspondence from runners and stakeholders over an extended period.
- Failed to adequately publicise all road closures related to the 2024 race route, with the result that complaints were received from multiple residents regarding the CMA’s lack of communication.
- Pulled a sponsor into an internal argument by copying them on an email chain.
- Went missing in action 40 minutes before the media event to unveil the naming of Comrades Road where she was supposed to be MC and failed to organise a suitable replacement.
- Baked brownies (and posted about it on social media) whilst all other staff and volunteers were working over the weekend ahead of race week.
- Refused a direct instruction by the ROM, Ann Ashworth, to engage with external marketing consultants with a view to improving the CMA’s social media and marketing.
- Deliberately sought to ostracise and exclude the ROM, Ann Ashworth, from the CMA staff by, inter alia, baking brownies for all other staff, but not Ashworth; scheduling staff functions for days on which Ashworth was out of the office; organising staff lunch runs to the exclusion of Ashworth. This behaviour was intended to create an “us” versus “Ann” environment and solidify Delaine’s position of influence within the office.
- Together with Onicka Scheepers, failed to attend any after-hours volunteering activities in the build-up to the race..
- Provided Board member Zinhle Sokhela a media route access sticker on race day (and has previously provided route access stickers to non-accredited persons, including elite team managers).
- Utilises one of the sponsored Toyota Fortuners as her private vehicle, allows her husband to use the vehicle for personal business and refuses to share it with CMA staff or volunteers when required for official Comrades business.
- Used her position to censor, bully and manipulate members of the media.
- Has leaked confidential information to the media on several occasions.
- Has deliberately planted false and defamatory information regarding Ann Ashworth in the media, predominantly The Witness.
- Used the WhatsApp group for International Ambassadors to spread false and defamatory information regarding Ann Ashworth and Stuart Mann.
- Repeatedly outsources content for the souvenir magazine to her friends in the media, in exchange for a fee.
- Misuses / abuses CMA funds by hiring far more temporary staff than are required to assist at the EXPO media centre, including her husband who is both paid a stipend by the CMA and permitted to stay in the Southern Sun hotel for 5 nights over race week.
- Persistent rumour mongering within Comrades House and the CMA. There are many examples including supposed affairs, criminal and fraudulent activity by staff members and stakeholders. Cools’ targets included former ROM Ann Ashworth, Acting ROM Alain Dalais and other stakeholders.
- Repeatedly instructed Onicka Scheepers to reserve a room for her and her husband for 5 nights at the race hotel, despite the ROM’s, Ann Ashworth’s, direct and repeated instructions that all staff members were required to share a room given the severe shortage of accommodation. As a result of this conduct, two volunteers and the ROM, Ann Ashworth, were deprived of accommodation at the race hotel on Saturday 8 June.
READ MORE: Has the Comrades Marathon been Captured (and why Ann Ashworth was fired)
Follow Running Mann:
Another exceptional articulation of the real issues. Keep up the great work! By the way I’m still waiting for the “Board” to approve my CMA membership application. See below. Its been a over 10 weeks (19 August was the date I applied and paid)
“Thank you for your payment. If you are a new CMA Member or have not renewed your membership in over 2 years, your application may require board approval before it can be fully completed.”
Thanks Gordon. The CMA membership run from July to June so only applications and payments made before 30 June 2024 will be able to vote at the 30 November AGM (this rule has been in place for many years – i.e. is not the interim Board manipulating the process). You should be able to participate and vote in 2025 (which will hopefully be much smoother once the corrupt and inept are removed).
A very well written piece of journalism Running Mann.
It would seem that even with the supposedly new board, it is business(or lack of) as usual. Someone, or a small group of people seem to be creating a large amount of influence in the CMA to prevent those implicated in wrong doing, facing justice.
This in itself deserves some investigation. Just who is responsible for this continuing lack of transparency and what are their motives behind it? Follow the money Stuart and you will find out.
With regard to the publishing of alleged falsehoods regarding Ann Ashworth and Stuart Mann.
Can the Natal Witness be brought before the Press Council. If these allegations are proved to be true, they can be made to publish a public retraction in a prominent part of their paper, normally the front page.